| Table of contents av.enferm. vol.40 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Apr. 2022 Editorial | | | | · Heaith care and modern nursing practices in the context of Luso-Hispanic countries Ferreir, José Erivelton de Souza Maciel; Oliveira, Lidia Rocha de; Santos, Joelita de Alencar Fonseca; Araújo, Thiago Moura de
| | | Research articles | | | | · Health surveillance from the perspective of workers Sousa, Layanne Cristini Martin; Feitosa, Eva Emanuela Lopes Cavalcante; Melo, Ricardo Henrique Vieira de; Bezerra, Hellyda de Souza; Rodrigues, Maisa Paulino
| | | | · Transpersonal care through Reiki: Experiences of family members of children with sickle cell disease Morbeck, Amarry Dantas; Cerqueira, Erika Anny Costa; Vale, Paulo Roberto Lima Falcão do; Watson, Margaret Jean Harman; Carvalho, Evanilda Souza de Santana
| | | | · Factors associated with the activation of hemodialysis patients Raimundo Leone, Denise Rocha; Pereira, Gabriela Amorim; de Paula Silva, Arison Cristian; Silva de Aguiar, Aline
| | | | · Narratives about self-care by people at the end of their lives Tuerlinckx Noguez, Patrícia; Manfrin Muniz, Rosani; Vestena Zillmer, Juliana Graciela
| | | | · Risk factors associated with hypertension among inmates in southern Brazil Ramos, Alexandre Inácio; Palombit, Mateus Rodrigo; Sinski, Kassiano Carlos; Maciel, Ronaldo Luchesi; Simoneti, Rafaela Azevedo Abrantes de Oliveira; Pitilin, Erica de Brito; Léo, Marcela Martins Furlan de; Santos Araújo, Jeferson; Conceição, Vander Monteiro da
| | | | · Adoption of the role and quality of life in caregivers of cancer patients in Medellín, Colombia Escalante Hernández, Harrison Enrique; Montoya Zapata, Claudia Patricia; Arias-Rojas, Mauricio
| | | | · Validation of an instrument to measure the clinical scientific dimension of ICU nursing care Guáqueta-Parada, Sandra Rocío; Triana-Restrepo, Martha Cecilia; Henao-Castaño, Ángela María
| | | Revison Articles | | | | · Health education and end-of-life at a hospital Cordeiro, Franciele Roberta; Marques, Rayssa dos Santos; Silva, Kaliana de Oliveira; Martins, Monike Cruz; Zillmer, Juliana Graciela Vestena; Sant’AnaTristão, Fernanda
| | | Reflection not derived from research | | | | · Student activism in times of adversity: The role of students in the Brazilian health reform Cavalcan, Ana Suelen Pedroza; Farias, Quiteria Larissa Teodoro; Pereira, Wallingson Michael Gonçalves; Amaral, Vitória Ferreira do; Ribeiro, Marcos Aguiar; Gomes, Diógenes Farias; Silva, Maria Rocineide Ferreira da
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