Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Why do people keep their promises? An overview of strategic commitment Corral, Miranda del
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| · Social preferences are not enough: Accounting for anomalous behavior in a complex mixed-motive game. Moro, Rodrigo; Freidin, Esteban; Tohmé, Fernando
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| · Valuation for European derivatives with mixture-Weibull distributions Molina, Andrés Mauricio; Jiménez, José Alfredo
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| · Volatility forecasting for Mexican crude oil market in the presence of asymmetric effects Gutiérrez, Raúl De Jesús; González, Reyna Vergara; Carreño, Miguel A. Díaz
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| · The need for official reserves in Latin America: Assessing the precautionary motive, 1995-2011 Cruz, Moritz
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| · Using variables of economic activity in the estimation of microterritorial GDP per capita Sierra, Alcides de Jesús Padilla
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| · Manufacturing production, consumption energy and employment in Mexico: An analysis by class manufacturing Arreola, Juan Marroquín; Castillo, Omar Neme; Santibáñez, Ana Lilia Valderrama
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| · Factors innovation and their influence on sales and employment: The case of Mexican manufacturing MSMEs Ponce, Herenia Gutiérrez; Duarte, Pablo Daniel Palacios
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| · Business expectations: Implications on growth in Uruguay Mernies, Bibiana Lanzilotta
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| · Bribery or democratic representation: What do municipal councils promote in a precarious democracy at local level? Cendales, Andrés; Mora, Jhon James
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