Editorial |
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Technical Section |
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| · Motorization, the number of trips and modal distribution in Bogota: past and possible future Gómez Gélvez, Julián Andrés; Obando Forero, Catalina
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| · DC-DC Converters in Wind Systems for Micro-generation: A Systematic Review Ramírez, Carlos Alejandro; Saavedra-Montes, Andrés Julián; Ramos-Paja, Carlos Andrés
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| · The Use of MUSA methodology and its Application in the Periodic Monitoring of Satisfaction among Students at Universidad de los Andes (ESAT) Amaya Guio, Ciro Alberto; Carrero Siabato, Natalia
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| · A discrete Model of TransMilenio Station Occupation: Representation and algorithms Rojas-Galeano, Sergio A; Rodríguez Garzón, Camilo Alfonso
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| · Stochastic Model for Water Demand in Edifications and the Data Recollection and Processing for its Formulation Saldarriaga, Juan; Páez, Diego; Vallejo, Daniel
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Dossier |
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| · Fundamentals for the Development of a World Class National Oil and Gas Industry Marín, Rodrigo A
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| · The need in Innovation and Technology in the Colombian Oil and Gas Industry Saavedra Trujillo, Néstor Fernando; Jiménez Inocencio, Favio Yovany
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| · Oil without People, a Strategy that Needs to be Changed in a Social State under the Rule of law Avellaneda Cusaría, Alfonso
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| · Hydrocarbons and Biodiversity Offsets: An Opportunity for Sustainable Development Adriana Soto, Mariana Sarmiento
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| · Up to Date Scenarios for the Offer and Demand of Hydrocarbons in Colombia Leyva, Sandra; Herrera, Beatriz; Cadena, Ángela
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Memory |
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| · The Untold Story of the First Building Code in Colombia - 30 Years
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