Human Resources Management |
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| · Work motivation and organizational climate in telecommunication companies from an organizational behaviour view point Chaparro Espitia, Leovany
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Management and Organizations |
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| · A new methodology for an alysing organisational settings Paturel, Robert
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| · Factors of the managerial growth: Special reference to the small and medium companies Blázquez Santana, Félix; Dorta Velázquez, José Andrés; Verona Martel, María Concepción
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| · An approach to company environmental profiles Ariza Buenaventura, Danilo; León Paime, Fredy; Gómez Villegas, Mauricio
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| · Management plan, balanced scorecard and analysis of efficiency and chargerate equity in facatativa's sewerage and water supply company González, Jorge Iván; Bonilla Sebá, Edna; Guerrero Chaparro, Germán
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| · Scholastic organisation: a point of departure for evaluating teachers Velásquez, María Teresa; Novoa Forero, Martha Amparo; Mayorga González, Martha Ruth
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| · Towards debate regarding managing knowledge within an organizational context Sanabria Rangel, Mauricio
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| · The kibbutz since the pre-state period (1945-1948) to the end of the 20th century Montoya Restrepo, Iván A; Dávila Dávila, Celia
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Operations and Technology Management |
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| · New policies and strategies for coordinating the colombian science, technology and innovation system Monroy Varela, Sonia Esperanza
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| · The Mexican Smelting Sector's Experience Of Adopting Cleaner Production Medina Jiménez, Armando; Medellín Milán, Pedro
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Finance and Marketing |
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| · An empirical study of neuronal networks' predictive ability in forecasting colombian inflation: an alternative methodology Santana Contreras, Juan Camilo; Camaro, Álvaro Andrés; Casas Henao, Arnoldo; Jiménez Méndez, Édgar
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| · The quality of relationships in industrial markets: the state of the matter Llorens Monzonís, Jaume; Fandos Roig, Juan Carlos; Moliner Tena, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez García, Javier
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| · A bibliometric analysis of models measuring the concept of perceived quality inproviding internet service Duque Oliva, Edison Jair; Cervera Taulet, Amparo; Rodríguez Romero, Carlos
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Critical Reviews |
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| · Aprendizaje basado en problemas Gorbaneff, Yuri
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| · En búsqueda de la eficiencia Gorbaneff, Yuri; Torres, Sergio; Contreras, Nelson
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| · Buena ética y mala estrategia Gorbaneff, Yuri
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| · Empresas y empresarios en la historia de Colombia. Siglos XIX y XX. Una colección de estudios recientes Sáenz Rovner, Eduardo
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