| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.5 no.1 Tunja Jan./June 2014 Articles | | | | · Low Pressure Glow Discharge I vs. V Behavior Study, in a DC and Pulsed DC in a Calorimeter Type Reactor Cepeda Grimaldos, J. F; Sarmiento Santos, A; Supelano García, I
| | | | · Experimental Determination of the Effective Thermal Conductivity in the Extruded Red Clay Bricks Peña Rodríguez, G; Peña Quintero, J. Y; Gómez Tovar, M. A
| | | | · Construction of Multivariate Distributions with Dependent Marginals Using Copulas in R Jaramillo-Elorza, M. C; Lozano, J. A
| | | | · Ideals in the Skew Polynomials Ring R [x ;σ, δ] González Gutiérrez, N. R; Suárez Gómez, Y. P
| | | | · Holonomic Equations Associated to Canonical Transformations of the Classical Laguerre Weight Molano Molano, L. A
| | | | · Volatiles Compounds Produced in Vitro by Callus of Solanum quitoense Lam. (Solanaceae) Duarte-Hernández, A. M; Núñez, K. M; Pacheco, J. C; Martínez, J. J
| | | | · Synthesis of Cerium Fluorites Modified with Samarium in the Ce1−XSmXO2−δ System for Potential use in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Gómez-Cuaspud, J. A; Carda-Castelló, J. B
| | | | · The Kinetic Palm Oil Transesterification with a Calcium Methoxide Cardozo, J. C; Barrera Zapata, Rolando; Giraldo, S. A
| | | | · Richness and Altitudinal Distribution of C3 and C4 Grasses in the Venezuelan Guayana Giraldo-Cañas, D
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