| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.8 no.1 Tunja Jan./June 2017 Articles | | | | · Nonlinear and Nonsmooth Dynamics in Stress-Sickness Processes Amador Moncada, Jorge Armando; Granada Díaz, Héctor Andrés; Redondo Ortegón, Johan Manuel; Olivar Tost, Gerard
| | | | · Study of the effect of failure imputation in estimating the survival curve under interval censoring Jaramillo Elorza, Mario César; Lopera Gómez, Carlos Mario
| | | | · Global weak solutions for a 2 x 2 balance non-symmetric system of Keyfitz-Kranzer type De la Cruz Guerrero, Richard Alexander; Juajibioy Otero, Juan Carlos; Rendón Arbeláez, Leonardo
| | | | · Monte carlo simulation of different positron emitting radionuclides incorporated in a soft tissue volume Olaya Dávila, Hernán; Castro Serrato, Héctor Fabio; Martínez Ovalle, Segundo Agustín
| | | | · A performance comparison of nonlinear and linear control for a DC series motor Rengifo Rodas, Carlos Felipe; Castro Casas, Natalia; Bravo Montenegro, Diego Alberto
| | | | · Capparaceae Juss. from Atlántico deparment, Colombia Aguirre De la Hoz, Aura Carolina; Ruiz Zapata, Thirza
| | | | · Structure and floristic composition of tropical dry forest in the Montes de María (Sucre - Colombia) Herazo Vitola, Fran; Mercado Gómez, Jorge; Mendoza Cifuentes, Humberto
| | | | · Genotoxicity in human lymphocytes induced by extracts of peach, Prunus pérsica grown in Pamplonita Norte de Santander. Yañez, Luis Fabián; Quijano Parra, Alfonso; Meléndez Gélvez, Iván
| | | | · New Species and New Records of Telmatometra (Hemiptera: Gerridae) from Colombia Molano, Fredy; Mondragón-F., Silvia Patricia; Morales, Irina
| | | | · Synthesis of Hematite a-Fe 2 O 3 Nano Powders by the controlled precipitation method Morales-Morales, Jimmy Alexander
| | | | · Methylene blue degradation over M-TiO2 photocatalysts (M= Au or Pt) Murcia Mesa, Julie Joseane; Guarín Romero, Jhonatan Ricardo; Cely Macías, Ángela Carolina; Rojas Sarmiento, Hugo Alfonso; Cubillos Lobo, Jairo Antonio; Hidalgo López, María del Carmen; Navío Santos, José Antonio
| | | | · Evaluation of the Perovskite LaFe 0,2 Co 0,8 O 3 Rativa Parada, Wilson; Gómez Cuaspud, Jairo; Carda Castelló, Juan
| | | | · Multivariate techniques, factorial multiple analysis and PLS-PATH modeling for study and classification of venezuelan honeys from states of Lara and Yaracuy Osorio Tangarife, Mónica Patricia; Rodríguez Arias, Nelson; Salamanca Grosso, Guillermo
| | | | · Phase Transitions Induced by Pressure in the Compounds GaN, InN and AlN Miranda Saenz, Tatiana Sofia; Rasero Causil, Diego Alejandro; Ortega López, César
| | | | · Exchange and correlation effects on the structural and electronic properties of TiO 2 on the rutile phase Mendoza Estrada, Víctor; Castaño González, Edgar; González García, Álvaro; González Hernández, Rafael
| | | | · Efficient ozone production in an atmospheric pressure air microplasma Lozano-Parada, Jaime Humberto; Machuca Martínez, Fiderman; Suescún Díaz, Daniel
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