| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.9 no.1 Tunja Jan./June 2018 Articles | | | | · Growth and development simulation model of potato Soto Garcés, Ana María; Cotes Torres, José Miguel; Rodríguez Caicedo, Daniel
| | | | · Propagation and in vitro tuberization of two varieties of potato Araque Barrera, Eyda Johanna; Bohórquez Quintero, María de los Angeles; Pacheco Díaz, José Estiben; Correa Mora, Lenny Yojana; Urquijo Ruiz, Johan Sebastian; Castañeda Garzón, Sandra Liliana; Pacheco Maldonado, José Constantino
| | | | · Synthesis, structural analysis, chemical stability, magnetic study and electric percolative effect on composite GdBa2Cu3O7_δ /Sr2GdSbO6. Montana Q, N.; Landínez Téllez, D.A; Martínez Buitrago, D.; Ortiz Díaz, O.; Parra V., C. A.
| | | | · A Study of the Quantum Correlations in a Tavis-Cummings System Madrid-Úsuga, D.; Villamil, P.
| | | | · Crystallographic, morphologic, electric, optical and magnetic analysis of the Dy2BiFeO6 novel material Bustos Garnica, K.Y.; Cardona, R.; Landínez Téllez, D.A.; Parra Vargas, C.A.; Roa-Rojas, J.
| | | | · Hopf bifurcation in a model of sustainable development Granada D, H.A.; Ángel G, M.A.; Moreno O, D.K.; Canchila M, J.A.
| | | | · A comparison of two graphical methods for detecting dependence Guarín-Escudero, Julieth V.; Jaramillo-Elorza, Mario C.; Lopera-Gómez, Carlos M.
| | | | · Statistical control of the mean in presence of interval-censored data Conto López, Romario; González Alvarez, Nelfi
| | | | · A comparison test of equality of two competing risks Molina-Blanco, Liliana C.; Lopera-Gómez, Carlos M.
| | | | · Analysis of the diffraction efficiency in transverse configuration in sillenite crystals Bi12TiO 20 Villamizar Amado, Astrid Lorena; Arias Hernández, Néstor Alonso; Molina Prado, Martha Lucía; Tebaldi, Myrian
| | | | · Effect of interlaminar cation type on the pillaring capacity of the synthetic mica Na-2-Mica and the in - situ formation to MnS Nanoclusters Ruiz Bravo, Lisette; Galeano, Luis Alejandro; Pazos Zarama, Mery Carolina
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