Editorial |
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| · Carta Editorial Cubillos Lobo, Jairo Antonio; Ojeda Pérez, Zaida Zarely; Morales-Montaño, Irina Tatiana; Morales-Puentes, Maria Eugenia
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Articles |
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| · Organogenesis in meristems and cauline disc of Aloe vera L. Albarrán Ruiz, Yuri; Pacheco Maldonado, José Constantino; Rache Cardenal, Leidy Yanira
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| · Pioneer plants consumption by frugivorous bats in a fragment of tropical dry forest (Colombia) García-Herrera, Leidy Viviana; Ramírez-Fráncel, Leidy Azucena; Reinoso-Flórez, Gladys
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| · Agronomic response of cocoa mucilago (Theobroma cacao L.) in maize culture (Zea mays L.) Sánchez Olaya, Diana María; Rodríguez Pérez, Wilson; Castro Rojas, Diego Francisco; Trujillo Trujillo, Edwin
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| · Genetic polymorphisms in patients with celft lip and/or palate non-syndromics Cárdenas-Nieto, Diana Milena; Paola E., Leone; Paz-y-Miño, César; Maribel, Forero-Castro
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| · Study of the oscillation modes in a Symmetric Physical Pendulum using the effective potential Hernández, José; Maya, Hector
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| · Construction and characterization of a multiwire proportional chamber detector Delgado González, M.J.; Castro Serrato, H. F.
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| · Iterative refinement of the Gauss-Jordan method, in conditioned systems. Mesa Juya, A. Y.; Calvache Archila, A.
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| · Hopf algebras and skew PBW extensions Salcedo Plazas, Luis Alfonso
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| · Sinusoidal Current Source for Bioimpedance Applications Based on a Nonlinear Discrete Time Closed Loop Control Algorithm Trujillo, Vladimir; Rengifo, Carlos F.; Bravo M., Diego A.
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| · Stochastic Simulation to Determine the Present Net Value and Uncertainty Cost in a Wind Power Plant Valencia, Tomas; Rivera, Sergio
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| · Effect of a priori distributions in Bayesian D-optimal designs for a correlated non-linear model Mosquera-Benítez, Juan Carlos; López-Ríos, Víctor Ignacio
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| · Bivariate Model for the Saber 11 Tests in Tolima Department (Colombia) García Saavedra, Yuri Marcela; Clavijo Méndez, Jairo Alfonso; Lugo Capera, Oscar Andrés
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| · Mathematical Modeling of the Inmune Response to the Chagasic Trypanosomiasis Vega-Royero, S. P.; Sibona, G. J.
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| · Electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone)/collagen scaffolds with potential use for skin regeneration Liliana, Lizarazo-Fonseca; Efrén, Muñoz-Prieto; Vera-Graziano, R.; Bernardo, Camacho; Gustavo, Salguero; Ingrid, Silva-Cote
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| · Green preparation of methyl cinnamate and evaluation of its antifungal activity as a potential wood preservative Haug, Elizabeth; Ruiz, Diego; Raffaeli, Natalia; Saparrat, Mario; Romanelli, Gustavo
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| · Sodic and Potassium Zeolites from Fly Ash Coming from Coal Combustion of Thermoelectric Termotasajero S.A.S Carreño-Flórez, Edgar Farid; Peña-Rodríguez, Gabriel; Ferrer Pacheco, Martha Yasmid
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