| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.11 no.1 Tunja Jan./June 2020 Editorial | | | | · Editorial: El desarrollo de la ciencia, en época de crisis CALVACHE ARCHILA, ÁLVARO
| | | Articles | | | | · Emerging flora in gradient of mining post succession in Condoto, Chocó Valoyes Cardozo, Zulmary; Ramírez Moreno, Giovanny
| | | | · Water physicochemical variables in The Rancheria River Delta, La Guajira, Colombia Molina Bolívar, Geomar; Nava Ferrer, Mario Lester; Jiménez Pitre, Iris Agustina
| | | | · Liquid silage of peach residues (Prunus pérsica) as an alternative for animal feed Saavedra Montañez, Gabriel Fernando; Borrás Sandoval, Luis Miguel; Cala Guerrero, Deisy Carolina
| | | | · Study of quantum correlations of qubits in remote cavities: biphotonic vs uniphotonic processes in each cavity González, Francisco; Eremeev, Vitalie; Villamil, Pablo
| | | | · Multi-patch and multi-group model for the transmission of the malaria Gómez Hernández, Enith Amanda; Ibargüen Mondragón, Eduardo; Salazar Jurado, Edwin Hernando; Prieto Moreno, Kernel Enrique
| | | | · Common reactions of furfural to scalable process of residual biomass Rodriguez, Alejandra; Rache, Leidy Y.; Brijaldo, Maria H.; Silva, Ludmila P. C.; Esteves, Laura M.
| | | | · Valorization of paraffin wastes obtained from plastic pyrolysis by catalytic cracking Solís Herrera, José Ignacio; Miranda Morales, Bárbara C.; Davis Barquero, Alexander; Jiménez Rivera, German
| | | | · Removing Phosphate From Aquatic Environments Utilizing Fe-Co/Chitosan Modified Nanoparticles Issaian, Tadeh; Reyes Cuellar, Julia Constanza
| | | | · Synthesis and structural characterization of the PR3-XEUXBA5CU8O18system Rojas Cruz, Fredy Gonzalo; Parra Borda, Julián Andrés; Sáchica Castillo, Ever Humberto; Cruz Pacheco, Andrés Felipe; Segura Peña, Sully; Parra Vargas, Carlos Arturo
| | | | · Preliminary phospholipase, hemolytic and bactericidal activity of the venom of the snake of cascabel del Tolima Solano Godoy, Jennifer Alexandra; Molano Cardona, Emerson David; Bernal Bautista, Manuel Hernando; Murillo Arango, Walter
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