| Table of contents Rev.Colomb.Reumatol. vol.19 no.2 Bogotá Apr./June 2012 Editorial | | | | · Importancia de desarrollar guías de práctica clínica en reumatología Medina, Yimy F
| | | Original Investigation | | | | · Treatment of osteoarthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint with resurfacing degradable polycaprolactone-based polyurethane (Artelon®) Vergara Amador, Enrique; Penagos, Rodrigo
| | | | · Undifferentiated arthritis: experience in two outpatient center of rheumatology, Medellín, Colombia Muñoz Grajales, Carolina; Ramírez Gómez, Luis Alberto; González Naranjo, Luis Alonso; Restrepo Escobar, Mauricio; Vásquez Duque, Gloria M; Acosta Reyes, Jorge Luis
| | | Review Papers | | | | · Role of periodontal disease in the development of autoimmune inflammatory entities clinical: implications and therapeutic challenges Bautista Molano, Wilson; Unriza Puin, Sonia R; Munevar, Juan Carlos; Lafaurie, Gloria; Valle Oñate, Rafael Raúl; Romero Sánchez, María Consuelo
| | | Case report | | | | · Pathologic fracture attributable to bisphosphonates therapy Restrepo, Ricardo César; Vargas Grajales, Francisco; Felipe-Díaz, Oscar Jaír; Velásquez Franco, Carlos Jaime; Zapata-Castellanos, Aura Ligia; Valencia, Jaime Alberto
| | | | · Neumonía organizante criptogénica asociada a síndrome de Felty: Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia associated with Felty's syndrome Gómez Aldana, Andrés José; Gutiérrez Dávila, Juan Martín; Díaz Jiménez, María Claudia; Fernández-Ávila, Daniel G
| | | | · Lung-kidney sindrome in systemic vasculitis by inmunoglobulin A due to lymphoma Ocampo Ramírez, David Andrés; Restrepo Valencia, César A
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