Editorial |
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| · Presentación Acevedo Carmona, Darío
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Científico e tecnologia |
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| · The periodical ecclesiastical publications and its vision of Indians as a source for the history of the missions in Upper Black River-Vaupés, 1913-1989
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Documento de reflexão |
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| · Froissart, Villani and the historical writing in the late Middle Ages: Between Anthropology and History Ospina Romero, Sergio
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Científico e tecnologia |
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| · The Dominicans, the Third Order and a social order. Santafé de Bogotá, XVI-XIX centuries Plata, William Elvis
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Documento de reflexão |
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| · From queen to mother: Motherhood as discursive construction in the seventeenth century neogranadine painting Cruz Medina, Juan Pablo
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| · A historiographical perspective of women from Tunja during Independence period, 1810-1819 Arias Barrera, Yuly Andrea
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Científico e tecnologia |
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| · An ephemeral project on private regulation of viticulture in Mendoza (Argentina) in a crisis context: Mendoza's Viticulture Society, 1916-1919 Barrio, Patricia
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Documento de reflexão |
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| · Rodolfo Walsh's anti-mythical writings. A history about identity tearing. Argentina 1955-1977 Rodríguez Sánchez, Nathaly
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Científico e tecnologia |
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| · Carthographies of emotions in the city of Medellín's press: from the body's facade to the deepens of the spirit, 1946-1971 Castaño González, Eugenio
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| · The school textbook as a research topic in the history of education: notes to the geography text Aguirre Rueda, Jorge Alejandro
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Comente |
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| · Peter Linebaugh, The Magna Carta Manifesto. Liberties and Commons for All (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008), 368 pp.1 Suárez Sánchez, Fernando
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| · Ximena Soruco (coord.), Wilfredo Plata y Gustavo Medeiros, Los barones del Oriente. El poder en Santa Cruz ayer y hoy (Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Fundación TIERRA, 2008), 283 pp.1 Estefanía Cirelli, Carla
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| · Andrey A. Schelchkov, La utopía social conservadora en Bolivia. El gobierno de Manuel Isidoro Belzu (1848-1855) (La Paz: Plural Editores, 2011), 302 pp. Cabrera Hanna, Santiago
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| · Rosana Vaca, Las reglas de la caridad. Las damas de Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl. Buenos Aires (1866-1910) (Rosario: Prohistoria, 2013), 168 pp. de Paz Trueba, Yolanda
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| · Andrés Botero Bernal (coord.), Cádiz en la Nueva Granada: Ocho estudios sobre la constitución gaditana en el período de la independencia neogranadina (Medellín: Universidad de Medellín, 2013), 278pp. Velasco Pedraza, Julian Andrei
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