Articles |
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| · Convergence of Accounting Standards among Colombian SMEs Ruano Delgado, Carlos Jair; Vargas Sierra, Carlos Arturo; Lasso Marmolejo, Guiovanny
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| · Convergence of International Accounting Standards in the Public Sector (IPSAS): A Comparison between Colombian and Chilean Models Velásquez Graciano, Oscar Darío; Vidal Pérez Morales, José
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| · An Overview of Foucault’s Effect in the Public Management and Accounting. Themes, Authors, and Research Challenges from the Governability Ocampo-Salazar, Carmen Alejandra
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| · Internal Audit as a Management Tool for Control in the Decentralized Autonomous Governments in the Morona Santiago Province López Jara, Ana Alexandra; Cañizares Roig, Marlene; Mayorga Díaz, Mónica Patricia
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| · Organizational Performance Evaluation: Trajectory of the International Researches according to Paradigms and Theories Abilio Martins, Vinicius; Rolin Ensslin, Sandra; Dutra, Ademar
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| · Process Articulation, Information Flow and Knowledge Flow under Info-Knowledge and Sustainability Criteria in the Corporate Reports Alba, Marisleidy; Beltrán Torres, César
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| · Relation between Financial Slack and Economic Performance in Companies above and below 50 Years Old da Silva, Tarcísio Pedro; Rohenkohl, Leonardo Bernardi; Bizatto, Luana Sara
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| · A Methodology to Study Events as a Measuring of the Impact of the Statutory Auditor’s Opinion on the Colombian Stock Market during 2009-2016 Gutiérrez Castañeda, Belky Esperanza; Barrera Montoya, Carlos Andrés
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| · Strategic Risks. A Study of the Treatment Measures Implemented by the Big Private Companies in Antioquia, Colombia Jaraba, Isabel; Nuñez, María Antonia; Villanueva, Eduart
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| · Proposal of a Methodological Design for the Risk Strategic Management in the Telecommunications Sector Gómez Pinto, Óscar Orlando
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