| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.31 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./Apr. 2014 Original articles | | | | · Knowledge management and university: study of the terms of interface with the external sector Enríquez Martínez, Alvaro
| | | | · Correlation between homophobia and racism in medical students Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Celina Oviedo, Heidi; Herazo, Edwin
| | | | · Text narrative comprehension and production in pre-kindergarten López Silva, Luz Stella; Duque Aristizabal, Claudia Patricia; Camargo Deluque, Gina Lizeth; Ovalle Parra, Amalia
| | | | · Differences in perceived social support between family and formal caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients Pabón Poches, Daysy Katherine; Galvis Aparicio, Mayra Jualiana; Cerquera Córdoba, Ara Mercedes
| | | | · Metacognitive activity and reading comprehension in tenth grade students Paba Barbosa, Carmelina; González Sanjuán, Rebeca
| | | | · Bystanders in situations of bullying victimization: characterizing the role Cuevas Jaramillo, María Clara; Marmolejo Medina, María Alejandra
| | | | · Legitimation of the violence in childhood: an approach based on the ecological perspective of Bronfenbrenner Martínez González, Marina; Robles Haydar, Claudia; Utria Utria, Leider; Amar Amar, José
| | | | · The universal and the singular into the Kierkegaardian psychology Lopez Calvo de Feijoo, Ana María; Moreira Protasio, Myriam
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