| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.31 no.2 Barranquilla May/Aug. 2014 Editorial | | | | | | | Original articles | | | | · Psychometric analysis of the Herth hope index in a not clinical peruvian sample Castilla Cabello, Humberto; Urrutia Félix, Carla Margot; Shimabukuro Tello, Midori; Caycho Rodríguez, Tomás
| | | | · Influence of family environment in the adolescent's social adaptation process Verdugo Lucero, Julio César; Arguelles Barajas, José; Guzmán Muñiz, Jorge; Márquez González, Claudia; Montes Delgado, Roberto; Uribe Alvarado, Isaac
| | | | · Are basic and middle school students victims of aggression by their teachers? Sánchez-Jiménez, Elvia; Cepeda-Cuervo, Edilberto
| | | | · Football gangs, drug consumption and violence Uribe Aramburo, Nicolás Ignacio; Castaño Pérez, Guillermo Alonso
| | | | · Evaluation of social support: analysis of the literature in the database ebsco, Academic Search between 2001 to 2011 Ferrari Cardoso, Hugo; Nunes Baptista, Makilim; Marín Rueda, Fabián Javier
| | | | · Values as a Mediational System for self-construction: contributions from Cultural Constructivism Rengifo-Herrera, Francisco Jose; Uchoa Branco, Angela
| | | | · Behaviors and unsafe sex in adolescence: A gender perspective Bahamón Muñetón, Marly Johana; Vianchá Pinzón, Mildred Alexandra; Tobos Vergara, Adriana Reneé
| | | | · Psychosocial factors at work, stress and morbidity around the world Vieco Gómez, Germán F; Abello Llanos, Raimundo
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