| Table of contents Territ. no.49spe Bogotá Dec. 2023 Editorial | | | | · Ciudad, bienestar y transformaciones territoriales Lulle, Thierry
| | | Sección temática | | | | · Pandemic and Poverty in Colombia Ariza, John; Saldarriaga, Juan Pablo; Retajac, Alexander
| | | | · Uses, Appropriation and Construction of Meanings of Urban Space by Children in a Popular Neighborhood: The Case of Brisas del Volador in Bogotá Salgado, Isaac; Hernández-García, Jaime; Tovar, Claudia
| | | | · Pandemic and University. The Territorial Role of UNPAZ Rodríguez, María Florencia
| | | | · Inequality in Higher Education: Faces in Figures the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Emphasis on Colombia) Carreño, Claudia Inés; Martínez, David Fernando
| | | | · Citzen Influence Through Social Audit: Citizen Audit Committees and Urban Planning in Bogotá Agüero, Samuel N.; Montero, Sergio
| | | | · Alternative Local Approaches to Conventional Development (ELAD). An Analytical Perspective to Understand the Political Mobilization of the Guardians of the Atrato River, Chocó, Colombia Durán Durán, Armando
| | | | · Pedestrian Mobility, Senses of Place and (De)Territorialization in a Mexico City's Popular Periphery Ducharme, Eliott
| | | | · Territorial Identity, Conceptual Construction and Urban Analysis Strategy Herrera Valencia, Ana Cristina
| | | | · Tourism and Favelas in Rio de Janeiro City During the 1960s and 1970s: Tourist Images and Slum Clearance Policies Bastos, Denise de Morais
| | | | · Continental-scale Analysis of Urban Issues Based on Open Data: Green Spaces, Urban Form and the Future Sustainability of Cities in Africa Patiño Quinchía, Jorge Eduardo; Prieto-Curiel, Rafael; Anderson, Brilé
| | | Reseñas bibliográficas | | | | · Benavente, S., Caulkins, M., Choque-Cáseres, D., Cornejo, C., Fontana, M., Herrera, Y., & Ugarte, M. (Eds.). Descolonizando territorios urbanos: de la planificación colonial a respuestas desde la interculturalidad crítica. Editorial Universidad de Concepción. 2022, 194 pp. Gamboa Saavedra, Edith
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