| Table of contents Perspect Nut Hum vol.14 no.2 Medellín July/Dec. 2012 Editorial | | | | | | | Research | | | | · The meaning of cooking practices among middle-class women in Cordoba, Argentina. An approach from the social representations theory del Campo, María Lis; Navarro, Alicia
| | | | · Design of the new basic food basket for Guatemala Monroy Valle, Michele Marie; Rodríguez Valladares, Fernando; Toledo Chaves, Pablo Francisco
| | | | · Learnings from a community-based internship for students of a Nutrition and Dietetics Program in the region of Urabá, Colombia Rodríguez Villamil, Luz Natalia; Salas Perea, Yesica Alexandra
| | | | · Dyslipidemia in children with acute malnutrition. Turbo, Colombia Velásquez Rodríguez, Claudia María; Orozco Cano, Juliana María
| | | | · Meanings attributed to diet and food supplement from a group of families beneficiaries of MANA's food complementary program in Turbo, Colombia Arboleda Montoya, Luz Marina; Franco Giraldo, Fabio Andrés
| | | | · Knowledge and practices food in pregnant women, from municipalities of Antioquia, Colombia, 2010 Torres Trujillo, Luz Estella; Ángel Jiménez, Gloria; Calderon Higuita, Gloria; Fabra Arrieta, Julio Cesar; López Galeano, Sandra Catalina; Franco Restrepo, María Alexandra; Bedoya Ávalos, Nataly; Ramírez Puerta, Deisy
| | | | · Maternal nutritional status and its relationship with birth weight of the newborn, pregnant women study Public Network of Medellín, Colombia Restrepo Mesa, Sandra Lucía; Parra Sosa, Beatriz Elena; Arias Gómez, Julie; Zapata López, Natalia; Giraldo Díaz, Carlos Alberto; Restrepo Moreno, Clara María; Ceballos Alarca, Natalia Andrea; Escudero Vásquez, Luz Estela
| | | Tracking the food | | | | · Typical food from Boyacá-Colombia Vega Castro, Oscar Alfonso; López Barón, Francy Nataly
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