Editorial |
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| · Editorial
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Articles |
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| · Absence of Managerial Skills for a Culture of University Innovation in Institutions of Colombia and Venezuela Donawa Torres, Zoraima Aurelia; Gámez Araujo, Willington German
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| · Female Economic Participation and Entrepreneurship in the State of Nayarit, Mexico Chong González, Elizabeth Guadalupe; Pérez Pina, Yosilin
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| · The Role of Proximity in the University-Industry-Government Cooperation: The Case of the Agri-Food Industry in the Region of Coquimbo, Chile Chacana Ojeda, Marcelo; Geldes González, Cristian; Osorio Zelada, Hugo
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| · Risk Management and Anti-Bribery: An Operational Approach from the Perspective of iso 31000 and iso 37001 Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo R.; Barriga, Gabriela; Burneo, Kurt; Noriega, Eduardo
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| · Finance Mechanisms and Management of Financial Resources of Construction, Infrastructure and Megaprojects in Colombia Gutiérrez O., Jahir A; Vega, Juan D.; Osorio A, Santiago
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| · The Individual and its Motivations in the Entrepreneurship Process Marulanda Valencia, Flor Ángela; Montoya Restrepo, Iván Alonso; Vélez Restrepo, Juan Manuel
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| · Examining the Spillover Effect between the KSE100 and the S&P500 Indexes Hasan, Mudassar; Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq; Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr; Naseem, Muhammad Akram; Ramiz-ur-Rehman
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| · The Strategic Visions of the Social Entrepreneurs in the Social Business Model: Proposition for a Typology Ramírez Álvarez, Mónica Liliana
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| · Diversification Decision and Spin-Off Decision. Expansion Cycles and Focus Cycles: Retrospective Analysis of Evidence in the Bavaria Case Herrera-Echeverri, Hernán
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| · Measurement of Organizational Climate with a Gender Focus in the Escuela Politécnica Nacional Espinoza-Santeli, María Genoveva; Jiménez Vera, Andrea Angélica
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| · Corporative Government from the Concept to Organizational Evolution in Bancolombia Murillo Vargas, Guillermo; González-Campo, Carlos Hernán; García Solarte, Mónica
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