Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change Keen, Steve
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| · Why weren't we ready for the coronavirus? Quammen, David
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| · Coronavirus and factory farms. Nuggets and bats: How we cook today's pandemics Barruti, Soledad
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| · Initial lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic de Sousa Santos, Boaventura
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| · The shifting geopolitics of coronavirus and the demise of Neoliberalism Cherkaoui, Mohammed
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| · What went wrong: Corona and the world after the full stop Caduff, Cario
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| · Economy or health? A Global Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic Chicaíza Becerra, Liliana; García Molin, Mario; Urrea, Iván Leonardo
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| · Political institutions and pandemic management: Massive PCR testing Petersen Cortés, Germán
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| · Fiscal rule, private debt and rights in Colombia: the recovery after the pandemic Castañeda Guerrero, Diana Alexandra; Mora Cómbita, Gonzalo; Castañeda Guerrero, Carolina
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| · Planning and uncertainty González, Jorge Iván
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| · Economic situation, fiscal policy and pandemic in Colombia Rodríguez, Jorge Armando
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| · On the dynamics of economic growth Lorente, Luis
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| · Towards a new economic paradigm Moreno Rivas, Alvaro
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