Editorial |
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| · Materialization of the right to the city. Torres-Tovar, Carlos Alberto
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Central dossier |
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| · Urban planning, positivist ideology and fairer cities. The case of Brazil Lago Burnett, Frederico
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| · The return to Lefebvre. City, possibility, totality totality Morente, Fran
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| · Culture, creativity and international governance. The New Urban Agenda Matovic, Milica; San Salvador del Valle, Roberto
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| · Resistance urbanism in Puerta de Tierra. II Workshop of Collective Architectures Rivera Crespo, Omayra; Crespo Claudio, Yazmín; Rodríguez, Irmaris Santiago
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| · Spatial reading of the right to the city. The case of Cuenca, Ecuador Peñafiel-Mora, Marcela; Peralta-Peñaloza, Cristina; Salazar-Guamána, Ximena
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| · Spontaneous planning and management in Bogotá. Urban informality, 1940-2019 Pava Gómez, Andrea Julieth; Escallón Gartner, Clemencia
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| · Social participation in the urbanization of emergency settlements. A practice that facilitates the right to the city? Zapata, María Cecilia
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| · The borders of inhabiting in the urban space. Appropriation practices Pelli, María Bernabela
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| · The Representation of Informal Spaces in Urban Planning. The case of Buenos Aires Shantytowns (1947-1965) Elinbaum, Pablo; Massidda, Adriana Laura
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| · Geopolitical mappings of Latin American housing ideologies (2005-2015) Hidalgo-Dattwyler, Rodrigo; Santana-Rivas, Daniel; Quijada-Prado, Paula
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| · Informal settlements and urban regularization. Production of territorialities in tension Chanampa, Magali Elizabeth; Lorda, María Amalia
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| · The access to water in informal settlements. The case of Valparaíso, Chile Ojeda, Lautaro; Mansilla Quiñones, Pablo; Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Pino Vásquez, Andrea
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Articles |
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| · Quality as a challenge. A methodological proposal Uribe Tami, María Fernanda
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| · Strategic intersectoral partnerships for urban sustainable development. A framework proposition Abulatif, Lisandro Iusry; de Souza Silva, André; Colusso, Izabele
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| · Associativity, inclusive leadership and local economic development. The Group of Independent Artisans of Mompox Montero-Muñoz, Sergio; Calderón-Gómez, Nathalia
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| · The former School of Mechanics of the Navy (ESMA) Architecture and memory Larralde Armas, Florencia
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Reviews |
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| · ROLNIK, Raquel. (2017). La guerra de los lugares. La colonización de la tierra y la vivienda en la era de las finanzas. Santiago de Chile: LOM. 362 pp. ISBN: 978-956-00-1009-4. Carmona Rojas, Madisson Yojan
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