| Table of contents Rev. acad. colomb. cienc. exact. fis. nat. vol.39 no.153 Bogotá Oct./Dec. 2015 Physical sciences | | | | · Fabrication and characterization of activated carbon and carbon nanoplatelets from Guadua angustifolia Kunth for their application in electronics Prías-Barragán, Jhon Jairo; Echeverry-Montoya, Narly Andrea; Ariza-Calderón, Hernando
| | | | · Dark matter from scalar sector in a model Martínez-Martínez, Roberto Enrique; Nisperuza-Toledo, Jorge Luis; Ochoa-Perez, Fredy Alexander
| | | Natural sciences | | | | · Butterflies diversity and their relationship to the landscape in the Lagunillas River basin in north Tolima, Colombia Ospina-López, Leonardo A.; Andrade-C., M. Gonzalo; Reinoso-Flórez, Gladys
| | | | · Orchids of the Gaira river, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia Yepes-Rapelo, Diego; Carbonó-Delahoz, Eduino; Pinto-Méndez, Michelle
| | | | · Diagnosis and observations of a hybrid hummingbird (Metallura tyrianthina x Aglaiocercus kingi) in the Eastern Andes of Colombia Stiles, F. Gary; Cortés-Herrera, José Oswaldo
| | | | · Population structure of the king crab Damithrax spinosissimus in the Colombian Caribbean region Campos, Néstor Hernando; Lagos, Ana Milena; Bermúdez, Adriana; Márquez, Edna
| | | | · Analysis of genetic variations in populations of domestic cats (Felis catus) by coat genes in Cartagena, Colombia Montes-Díaz, Yiris; Cardales-Barrios, Yorlenis; Pardo-Pérez, Enrique
| | | | · Differences in home range, activity patterns and diet of red howler monkeys in a continuous forest and a forest fragment in Colombia Stevenson, Pablo R.; Beltrán, Marta L.; Quiñones, Marcela J.; Ahumada, Jorge A.
| | | | · Amylolytic potential of microorganisms associated to rice crops cultured on starch from rice byproducts Vanegas-Zamora, Rubell Juneidy; Méndez-Arteaga, Jonh Jairo; Murillo-Arango, Walter
| | | Earth sciences | | | | · Suspended sediment load in Colombian Caribbean Rivers: Magnitude, trends and variability Restrepo-López, Juan Camilo; Ortiz-Royero, Juan Carlos; Otero-Díaz, Luis; Ospino-Ortiz, Silvio Raúl
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