Biomedical Sciences |
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| · Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2022: a revalidation of molecular evidence for the most recent kinship of Homo sapiens in the tree of life Gómez Gutiérrez PhD FLS, Alberto
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| · Paracoccidioides restrepiensis has undergone a severe population bottleneck McEwen, Juan G.; Gómez, Oscar M; Matute, Daniel R.
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Physical sciences |
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| · Spin-selective insulators Silva-Valencia, J.
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| · Regarding the Physics Nobel Prize 2022: Is nature understanding a matter of reason, intuition or technology? Castañeda, Román
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| · Confinement and spatial entanglement: phenomenology of a new interference principle Castañeda, Román
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| · Optics and photonics: Light science and light technology Guzmán Hernández, Angela María
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| · Electric Vector Potential and the Biot-Savart like law in Electrostatics Salazar, Robert; Bayona-Roa, Camilo; Jaramillo, Diego
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Natural sciences |
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| · Comparison of insect richness with two collection methods in a coastal wetland of the South American Pacific Rossi-La Torre, Cristhian Raul
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| · New records of the introduced gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril & Bibron, 1836) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in Colombia and update of its geographic range in the country Collazos-Astudillo, Cristian Andres; Navarro-Morales, Alejandro; Ruiz-Valderrama, Diego Huseth; Ramírez, Juan P.; Caicedo-Portilla, José Rancés
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| · Carbon storage on an ecosystem of the South American desert: The case of Lomas de Amancaes (Lima-Perú) Guerrero-Palomino, Victor H.; Malea-Rodríguez, Diego; Aponte, Héctor
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| · Are the wetlands on the Pacific coast of South America shrinking? The case of Lima wetlands Urbina, Daneska; Rivera-Cáceda, Flavia; Aponte, Héctor
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Chemical sciences |
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| · The "click" and "bioorthogonal" chemical synthesis win the Nobel Prize 2022 Wasserman, Moisés
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| · Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Piper marginatum leaves obtained by hydrodistillation in pH4, pH7 and pH10 Oliveira, Elayne Cristina de; Fontes Silva, Marcilio Fagner; Souza Ramos, Clécio
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Earth sciences |
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| · The pioneering scientific endeavor and contributions of José María González Benito (1843-1903), the first Colombian modern astronomer Moreno-Cárdenas, Freddy; Vargas-Domínguez, Santiago; Cuéllar-Moyano, Jorge
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Journal Club |
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| · What's in a name? Zambrano Ph.D, María Mercedes
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| · What is the evolutionary cost of surviving a pandemic? Anaya, Juan-Manuel; Laissue, Paul; Zuluaga, José A. Cadena
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| · Findings and recommendations of the Lancet Commission for COVID-19: A critical look Restrepo M.D. Ph.D., Fernando de la Hoz
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Opinion |
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| · Humanity reaches eight billion inhabitants and its future is in embers Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos
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| · Humanities, social sciences, and art in the education of scientists Valencia Restrepo, Darío
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| · Considerations on the global fisheries crisis Acero P., Arturo
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Bibliographic comment |
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| · Catalogue of fungi of Colombia Almeida, Rafael F. de; Lücking, Robert; Vasco-Palacios, Aída; Gaya, Ester; Diazgranados (Editors), Mauricio
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In memoriam |
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| · In Memoriam Corpas, Andrés Guhl
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