Editorial |
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| · Las apropiaciones académicas y los indicadores de impacto
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Original contributions |
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| · The role of happyness and optimism as a protector factor of anxiety Pavez, Paula; Mena, Luis; Vera-Villarroel, Pablo
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| · Validity and reliability of the Scale of Happiness from Lima in Venezuelan elderly people Árraga Barrios, Marisela Virginia; Sánchez Villarroel, Marhilde
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| · Cognitive profile of emotional dependence in University Students from Medellín, Colombia Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia; Jaller Jaramillo, Cristina; González Calle, Ana María; Díaz León, Zoraya Tatiana; De la Ossa, Daniela
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| · Future role expectations of undergraduate Chilean students Abarca, Nureya; Gormaz, Naisa; Leiva, Pedro I
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| · Empathy and tolerance of diversity in an intercultural educative setting Esteban-Guitart, Moisés; Rivas Damián, María Jane; Pérez Daniel, Myriam Rebeca
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| · Relationship between cognitive development and family interaction contexts of children living in poor urban sectors Orozco-Hormaza, Mariela; Sánchez-Ríos, Hernán; Cerchiaro-Ceballos, Elda
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| · Different types of incidence that revision cognitive processes have on narrative texts coherence: a research with ten-year-old children De Castro, Diana; Correa, Miralba
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| · Memory and intelligence: Interdependence according to processes and content of tasks Ferreira, Aristides I; Almeida, Leandro S; Prieto, Gerardo; Guisande, M. Adelina
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| · Crisis in the infancy: what the children think, feel and say, on the separation of the parents? Cifuentes Neumann, Oriana; Milicic Müller, Neva
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| · High risk family and social factors associated with child labour in cities of the colombian caribbean coast Romero Mendoza, Vanessa; Amar Amar, José Juan; Palacio, Jorge; Madariaga Orozco, Camilo; Sierra Crisson, Eloísa; Quintero González, Sandra Milena
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| · Scale Attitude toward Indebtedness: factorial validity and attitudinal profiles in Chilean university students Denegri Coria, Marianela; Cabezas Gaete, Daniel; del Valle Rojas, Carlos; González Gómez, Yéssica; Sepúlveda Aravena, Jocelyne
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| · Teacher beliefs and use of New Technologies of Information and Communication in professors from five elementary and secondary Chilean schools Bustos Navarrete, Claudio Enrique
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| · Support networks of women victims of partner violence in Jalisco (Mexico) Estrada Pineda, Cristina; Herrero Olaizola, Juan; Rodríguez Díaz, Francisco Javier
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| · Relationship between burnout and coping strategies with GPA in university students Palacio Sañudo, Jorge Enrique; Caballero Domínguez, Carmen Cecilia; González Gutiérrez, Orlando; Gravini Gómez, Melina; Contreras Santos, Katherine Paola
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| · Characterization of the research, the intervention and the theoretical advances in resiliency in the universities in Colombia Campo Vásquez, Rafael; Granados Ospina, Luis Fernando; Muñoz Ortega, Liliana; Rodríguez Arenas, María Stella; Trujillo García, Sergio
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| · Inferences over a narrative text in contexts of interaction in early childhood education Duque Aristizabal, Claudia Patricia; Correa Restrepo, Miralba
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| · New forms of sampling for minority and hidden populations: respondent samples conducted in a south american immigrant population Cárdenas Castro, Manuel; Yáñez Yáñez, Susan
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| · A confirmatory factor analysis of the Spanish language version of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) Barrientos Delgado, Jaime Eduardo; Cárdenas Castro, Manuel
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| · Validación de una escala para evaluar factores vinculados a la adherencia terapéutica en pacientes oncológicos Urzúa M, Alfonso; Marmolejo C, Angelina; Barr D, Oatherine
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| · Cognitive information based on largescale tests: Representation's method of rule space Artavia Medrano, Alvaro; Larreamendy-Joerns, Jorge
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| · Preliminary factor analysis of the O'Kelly Women Beliefs Scale in a US sample Heman Contreras, Arturo; Lega, Leonor; Feinberg, Joshua; Quedding, Erika; O'Kelly, Monica; Friedman, Mark J
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| · Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal Ruiz De Aguirre, Leire San-Jose; Retolaza, José Luis
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| · Symptom and discourse: teachings from "Cultural moral sexuality and modern nervousness" De Castro Korgi, Sylvia
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| · Disciplines for and against Psychology Burman, Erica
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| · Could be some day a classless society?: The complex relationship between general cognitive ability and socioeconomic level Ardila, Rubén
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