Editorial |
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| · On Incentives, Political and Economical Externalities, and Research Output Assessment Procedures
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Presentation |
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Original contributions |
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| · Work as a Resistance Instrument towards the Prisons Oppression Lhuilier, Dominique
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| · Taylorism: inheritance or permanence? Identity crisis in a factory recovered by workers Gomez Esteves, Egeu
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| · From "Gomorrah Domain" to "Don Peppe Diana Lands". A Southern Italian Experience of Work-Based Liberation, Community Networking, and Well Being Natale, Alfredo; Arcidiacono, Caterina; Di Martino, Salvatore
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| · Collective Logics in Public Transport for passengers in Bogotá Burbano Valente, Johanna
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| · Business Creativity and Self-Government: A Discourse Analysis Vera Ruiz, Ángela
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| · Competency-Based Work Management, Enterprise Model and its Subjective Effects. A View from Critical Social Psychology Amigot Leache, Patricia; Martínez, Laureano
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| · Management Education in Chile: From Politics of Pragmatism to (Im)Possibilities of Resistance Mandiola Cotroneo, Marcela
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| · Positive Law and Capitalist Subjectivity. The apparatus of Labor Law and Psychology López Cortés, Oscar Andrés
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| · Paradoxes of European Employment Policies: From Fairness towards Therapy Crespo, Eduardo; Serrano, Amparo
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| · "Everyday in a Different House": Trajectories, Meanings and Maids'Working Life Chalfin Coutinho, Maria; Célia Borges, Regina; Priscila Graf, Laila; Suave da Silva, Aline
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| · "I don't want you to be so". Macro and micro'discourses that position to the laboral subjects who work on Bogotá streets Peralta Gómez, María Claudia; Bernal T, Cesar Augusto
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| · Social Psychology of the Dirty Work: Reconsidering Concepts and Suggesting Theoretical Possibilities to the Psychology's Agenda in Work Contexts Bendassolli, Pedro F; da Rocha Falcão, Jorge T
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| · Tensions in individual identity construction in flexible working Soto Roy, Álvaro; Gaete Altamirano, Tomás
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| · Pain, work and gender psychosocial diagnosis: an example Pujal i Llombart, Margot; Mora, Enrico
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| · The Obscuration of Pain as a Workforce Controlling Device Regarding the RSIs: The Slaughtering and Meat Processing Industries Case Pit Dal Magro, Márcia LuízA; Chalfin Coutinho, Maria; Ojeda Ocampo Moré, Carmen Leontina
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| · Professors of Public Higher Level Education: Productivity, Productivism and Sickness Ferreira Borsoi, Izabel Cristina; Silva Pereira, Flavilio
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| · Models of Professional Career of the Managerial Woman Selva Olid, Clara
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| · Governmentality, Gender and Race Devices and Work: The Conduct of Conduct of Working Women Vargas-Monroy, Liliana
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| · Possible psychosocial joints between work and madness: Reflections from the Social Psychology of Work perspective Afonso Ribeiro, Marcelo
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| · The scientific production of Brazilian Psychology about unemployment Coelho-Lima, Fellipe; Freire Costa, Ana Ludmila; Bendassolli, Pedro F
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| · Analysis of the Work of Managing Others' Work: The Point of View of the Activity and an Experience of Self-Confrontation De Souza Christo, Cirlene; Santos Rezende, Marcello; Todaro Taveira Leite, Ana Paula; Cidreira Athayde, Milton Raimundo; dos Santos Costa Leite, Rose Mery
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| · A Critical-Interpretive Model for the Study of Labor Identities. Contributions to Psychosocial Research on Work and Subjectivity in Latin America Stecher, Antonio
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| · A Photo Workshop: A Participatory Method of Job Analysis Osorio da Silva, Claudia; Barros de Barros, Maria Elizabeth
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| · Work Experiences from a Three-Dimensional Analysis Garabito Ballesteros, Gustavo
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| · The Etnography of Devices as an Analysis Tool and Study of Managerialism as Local Practice Sisto, Vicente; Zelaya, Victor
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| · ...So, What is Critique? On the Relationships between Psychology and the World of Work Pulido-Martínez, Hernán Camilo; Sato, Leny
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