Editorial |
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| · Scientific Publishing and the Commitments of Researcher Communities
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Original contributions |
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| · Anger And Positive Emotions In Political Protest Sabucedo, José Manuel; Vilas, Xiana
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| · Role of social support in the social prisioners: Study of the Postpenitentiary System of the State of Jalisco, Mexico Estrada Pineda, Cristina; Rodríguez Díaz, Francisco Javier; Herrero Olaizola, Juan
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| · Construction of Factores Personales de Resiliencia Scale (FPR'1) in Victim's Woman of Forced Displacement in Colombia Amar Amar, José Juan; Utria Utria, Leider Miguel; Abello Llanos, Raimundo; Martínez González, Marina Begoña; Crespo Romero, Fernando Alexis
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| · Characteristics and Development of Foster Care in Two Countries with a Strong Tradition of Residential Care: Spain and Portugal López, Mônica; Delgado, Paulo; Carvalho, João M. S.; del Valle, Jorge F.
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| · Is Offence Severity and the Chronicity of Juvenile Delinquency Mediated by Cognitive-Behavioural Competence? Fariña, Francisca; Vázquez, María José; Arce, Ramón
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| · Psychological Adjustment and Religious Life in Elderly People Rivera-Ledesma, Armando; Montero-Lòpez Lena, María
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Editorial |
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| · Relación parental, autoestima y sintomatologia depresiva en jóvenes adultos. Implicaciones de los conflictos interparentales, coalición y triangulación Pinheiro Mota, Catarina; Mena Matos, Paula
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Original contributions |
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| · Translate into Spanish of the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire (CWEQ II) Mendoza Sierra, María Isabel; Orgambídez-Ramos, Alejandro; Borrego Ales, Yolanda; Gonçalves, Gabriela; Santos, Joana
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| · Working Memory and Fluid Intelligence: The Role Executive Processes, Age and School Type in Children Borges Sbicigo, Juliana; da Rosa Piccolo, Lueiane; Paz Fonseca, Róchele; Fumagalli de Salles, Jerusa
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| · Linking Emotional Dissonance and Service Climate to Well-Being at Work: A Cross-Level Analysis Carrasco, Hugo; Martínez-Tur, Vicente; Moliner, Carolina; Peiró, Jose María; Ramis, Carmen
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| · Organizational Justice, Work Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Winning Combination Rodríguez Montalbán, Ramón Luis; Martínez Lugo, Miguel; Salanova Soria, Marisa
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| · The Sport Engagement Scale: An Adaptation of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) for the Sports Environment Guillen, Félix; Martínez-Alvarado, Julio Román
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| · Scale for Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in Groceries Fórmeles, Albert; Penelo, Eva; Berbel, Gaspar; Prat, Remei
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| · Impact of Optimism and the "Big Five" Personality Factors on Older Persons' Health Gázquez Linares, José Jesús; Pérez Fuentes, María del Carmen; Mercader Rubio, Isabel; José Inglés Saura, Cándido
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| · Affect Measures in Specific Domains Porto Noronha, Ana Paula; Cobêro, Claudia; Varandas de Camargo, Mariana; Ferraz de Campos, Roberta; de Campos, Maria Isabel
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| · Positive and Negative Affect as Mediator of the Relatioship Optimism-Health: Evaluation of a Structural Model Vera-Villarroel, Pablo; Celis-Atenas, Karem
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| · Study of the Social Instigation in a Model of Isolation-Induced Aggression: Effects of JNJ16259685 Administration, an mGlu1 Receptor Antagonist Martín-López, Mercedes; Infante, Sara; Cavas, María; Navarro, José Francisco
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| · Psychological Well-Being and Learning-oriented Motivational Teaching Practices Leal-Soto, Francisco; Dávila Ramírez, Juan; Valdivia V, Yesennia
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| · Determinants of Anxiety in Spanish Master Athletes Zarauz Sancho, Antonio; Ruiz-Juan, Francisco
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| · Validation of a Questionnaire on Values in Team Sports in Didactic Contexts Ponce-de-León-Elizondo, Ana; Ruiz-Omeñaca, Jesús Vicente; Valdemoros-San-Emeterio, Maria; Sanz-Arazuri, Eva
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| · Adaptation and Validation of the Scale of Future Intentions of Behaviour in Customers of Sport Services Nuviala Nuviala, Alberto; García-Fernández, Jerónimo; Bernal-García, Ainara; Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Teva-Villén, María Rosario; Pérez-Ordás, Raquel
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| · Relationship between Subjective Well-being, Optimism and Demographic Variables in College Students of the University of San Luis Potosi in Mexico Marrero Quevedo, Rosario Josefa; Carballeira Abella, Mônica; González Villalobos, José Ángel
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| · Abuse and Violence Narrow and Annihilate the Psychic Muñoz Vila, Cecilia; Torres Calderón, Nubia Esperanza
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| · School Climate Scale: Spanish Adaptation and Validation in Chilean Students López, Verónica; Bilbao, M. Angeles; Ascorra, Paula; Moya Diez, Ivan; Morales, Macarena
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| · The Early Emergence of Temporal Reference in Mother-Child Multimodal Communication Muñetón, Mercedes Amparo; Rodrigo, María José
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| · Textual Complexity, Readability and Reading Performance on a Comprehension Test in Adolescents School Campos, Daniela; Contreras, Paula; Riffo, Bernardo; Veliz, Mónica; Reyes, Alejandro
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| · europsychological Rehabilitation Treatments of Executive Functions in Patients with Brain Damage: Characterization and Effectiveness A Review Martínez-Martínez, Adriana Marcela; Agüilar-Mejía, Oscar Mauricio; Martínez Villar, Susana; Marino García, Daniela
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| · Response-Inhibition Capacity and Short-Term Memory are Robust to the Effects of High Fat Diet (HFD) during Pre and Periadolescence Watterso, Elizabeth; Sanabria, Federico; Zavala, Arturo R; Privitera, Gregory J
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| · Effects of Stress on Plasticity and Neurogenesis: A Review Zárate, Santiago; Cardenas Parra, Fernando; Acevedo-Triana, César; Sarmiento-Bolaños, Maria Jimena; León, Laura Andréa
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