Editorial |
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Original contributions |
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| · Differential Context-Specificity in the Habituation of the Eyeblink and Cardiac Responses in Humans Pinto, Jorge A; Becerra, Sebastián A; Ponce, Fernando P; Vogel, Edgar H
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| · Analysis of Psychometric Properties of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in a Sample of Workers in Puerto Rico Rodríguez-Montalbán, Ramón; Martínez-Lugo, Miguel; Sánchez-Cardona, Israel
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| · Executive Function Deficits and Symptoms of Disruptive Behaviour Disorders in Preschool Children Araujo Jiménez, Eva Angelina; Jané-Ballabriga, Ma. Claustre; Bonillo Martin, Albert; Capdevilla i Brophy, Connie
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| · Adaptation into Spanish of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory in Work Environment Boada-Grau, Joan; Merino-Tejedor, Enrique; Gil-Ripoll, Carme; Segarra-Pérez, Gemma; Vigil-Colet, Andreu
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| · Relations between the Relational Self-Construal, the Choice of Goals and Psychological Need Satisfaction of University Students Gámez Armas, Elena; Díaz Gómez, Jose Miguel; Marrero Hernández, Hipólito; Galindo Galindo, Ma Paz; Breva Asensio, Alicia
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| · Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Brief COPE, its Relationship with the NEO PI-R and Gender Differences in Brazil Morán, Consuelo; Mendez Hinojosa, Luz Marina; González Ramírez, Mónica Teresa; Landero-Hernández, René; Menezes, Ester
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| · Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Physical Activity Class Satisfaction Questionnaire (PACSQ) Sicilia, Alvaro; Ferriz, Roberto; Trigueros, Rubén; González-Cutre, David
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| · The 2x2 Dispositional Perfectionism Model in Adolescence: An Assessment in the Physical Education Context Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Cecchini-Estrada, José-Antonio; Fernández-Río, Javier
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| · Validation of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale in the University Population of Cordoba, Argentina Adrián Medrano, Leonardo; Trógolo, Mario
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| · Adaptation of the Creative Environment Perceptions Scale into Spanish Boada-Grau, Joan; Vigil-Colet, Andreu; Sánchez-García, José-Carlos; Prizmic-Kuzmica, Aldo-Javier
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| · Evaluation of the Computer-based Battery for Oral Language (BILO<u3) through the Rasch model for a Brazilian Sample Rodrigues Azevedo Joly, María Cristina; Silva Días, Anelise; Tozzi Reppold, Caroline
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| · Design and Psychometric Analysis of an Instrument Evaluating Basic Skills in Economics and Finance: A Contribution to the Consumer Education Vargas Prieto, Monica; Avendaño Prieto, Bertha Lucía
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| · Predictive Models of Attitude toward Homosexuality in Heterosexual Men Moral de la Rubia, José; Valle de la O, Adrián
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| · Your Clothes Aren't Going to Magically Come Off":An Exploratory Study of U.S. Latino Adolescents' Reasons for Having or Not Having First-Time Vaginal Intercourse Useche, Bernardo; Medina, Gilda; W. Ross, Michael; Markham, Christine
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| · Youth Behavior in College to Search of Happiness: Characterization and Effectiveness Torres Deik, Mauricio; Moyano-Díaz, Emilio; Páez, Darío
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| · Approach to Forms of Legal Subjectivity in Victims Women of Domestic Violence Arensburg Castelli, Svenska; Pujal Llombart, Margot
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| · The Role of Facilitators in Implementation of "Espacios para Crecer": Formative Evaluation of the Program with Young Workers "Edúcame Primero, Colombia Holgado Ramos, Daniel; Maya Jariego, Isidro; Ramos Vidal, Ignacio; Palacio Sañudo, Jorge
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| · Play Elaborated, Play Restricted Early Symbolic Productions that Reproduce Inequality Castillo Gallardo, Patricia Eliana
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| · Assessment of Resilience Factors in Argentines Children in Familiar Vulnerability Conditions Morelato, Gabriela Susana
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| · Intensity of Demand for Video Games and its Effect on Mood and Perceived Activation Pérez-Sánchez, Rolando; Torres, David
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| · A Pilot Study Designing a Website to Enhance the Well-Being of Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy Boixadòs, Mercê; Gómez-Zúñiga, Benigna; Hernández-Encuentra, Eulália; Guillamón, Noemí; Redolar-Ripoll, Diego; Pousada, Modesta; Muñoz -Marrón, Elena; Armayones, Manuel
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| · The Emotional Work from a Clarifying Perspective after Thirty Years of Research Gracia, Esther; Ramos, José; Moliner, Carolina
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| · Intelligence and Creativity: Correlates among the Constructs through Two Empirical Studies Krumm, Gabriela; Arán Filippetti, Vanessa; Bustos, Daniela
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| · Predicting Role of the Meaning in Life on Depression, Hopelessness, and Suicide Risk among Borderline Personality Disorder Patients García-Alandete, Joaquín; Marco Salvador, José H; Pérez Rodríguez, Sandra
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| · Cognitive Variables and University Entrance: Predictors of Academic Achievement Elvira-Valdés, María Antonieta; Pujol, Lydia
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| · Is there a Grammatical Comprehension Deficit in Multidomain Mild Cognitive Impairment? López-Higes, Ramón; Prados, José María; Montejo, Pedro; Montenegro, Mercedes; Lozano, Montserrat
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| · Communication in Leadership Impact Commitment of Workers in Public Administration Mañas Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Salvador Ferrer, Carmen María; Díaz Fúnez, Pedro Antonio; Pecino Medina, Vicente
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| · Imagining Future Internship in Professional Psychology: A Study on University Students' Representations Langher, Viviana; Brancadorü, Benedetta; D'angeli, Marianna; Caputo, Andrea
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| · The Development and Learning of Causal Reasoning: Analysis of an Apparent Tension Jiménez-Leal, William; Gaviria, Christian
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| · The Effect of Organizational Responsibility in Attitudes toward Hiring Individuals with Disadvantages Gandarillas Gutiérrez, Beatriz; Requero, Blanca; Briñol, Pablo; Rojo, Beatriz
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