Editorial |
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| · Transitions in Scientific Edition Processes: Threats and Opportunities López-López*, Wilson
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Articles |
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| · Estimating Response Time in Spatial Frequency Band Experiments involving Visual Perception Rivero-Expósito, María del Prado; Vila-Abad, Enrique; Holgado-Tello, Francisco Pablo; Jesús-Aparicio, Javier de; Marchis, Georgio de
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| · The Structure and Content of Flow Experience Narratives in Sport: The Tale of an Elite Sportsman Sicilia, Alvaro; Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel; Orta, Antonio
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| · The Therapist’s rule-like Verbalizations throughout the Clinical Process Vargas de la Cruz, Ivette; Pardo-Cebrian, Rebeca; Martínez, Héctor; Froján-Parga, María Xesús
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| · Empathy is a Stable Predictor of Compassionate Emotions Independent of an Attribution of Responsibility Manipulation Rabelo, André; Pilati, Ronaldo
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| · Modulating Effects of Emotional Valence on Recognition Memory for High-Arousal Pictures Fernández-Rey, José
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| · Validation of the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire in a Sample of University Students from Colombia Laguía, Ana; Moriano, Juan Antonio; Molero, Fernando; Gámez, Jorge Alberto
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| · Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Time Management Behavior Scale (TMBS) in Colombian College Students Garzón-Umerenkova, Angélica; García-Ros, Rafael; Pérez-González, Francisco
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| · Information Integration Theory: Basis Concepts and Applications Muñoz-Sastre, María Teresa; López-López, Wilson; Pineda-Marín, Claudia
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| · Comprehension of the Relational Dynamics of Same-Sex Couples Based on a Systemic Model for Clinical Intervention Herrera-Small, Carolina; Torres-Orozco, Simón
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| · Impact of a Body Mind Program Base on Physiotherapeutic Exercises and Psychological Techniques in the Psychic Welfare of a Diabetics Patients Type 2 Lucha-López, María Orosia; Lucha-López, Ana Carmen; Tricás-Moreno, José Miguel; Salavera-Bordás, Carlos; Miguel, Elena Estébanez De; Vidal-Peracho, Concepción
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| · Ethnic Identity and Social Behaviors in Indigenous Juvenile Offenders Sentenced by the Law in the South of Chile Jiménez-Bustos, Raúl Alberto; Pérez-Luco Arenas, Ricardo Xavier; Bustamante-Rivera, Gonzalo Eugenio
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| · Intergenerational Programs and Social Participation: The Integration of Spanish and Latin-American Seniors in the Community de la Villa Moral Jiménez, María
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| · Relevance of the Menopause and Social Support in Gender Differences in Health Matud Aznar, Ma Pilar; Correa Reverón, Ma Concepción; García Pérez, Livia
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| · Mental Health Literacy toward Schizophrenia in College Students from El Salvador and the United States of America Valdivieso-Mora, Esmeralda
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| · Predictors of an Efficient Interaction between Mother and Child in Psychosocial Risk Álvarez-Lorenzo, Miriam; Rodrigo-López, María José; Rodríguez-Suárez, Guacimara
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| · Effects of Sex and Attractiveness in Hiring Decisions: An Experimental Study Solano-Gómez, Ángela; Smith-Castro, Vanessa
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| · Intervention effectiveness in cooperative learning on the profile of the dynamics bullying observer Polo-del-Río, Ma Isabel; Lázaro, Santiago Mendo; Bullón, Fernando Fajardo; Barco, Benito León del
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| · Equity in the Reciprocal Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Older People Bueno-Martínez, Belén; Buz, José; Belén-Navarro, Ana; López-Martín, Lara
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| · Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Predictors: Its Roll on the Comprehension of the Successful Aging in Costarica’s Context Blanco-Molina, Mauricio; Salazar-Villanea, Mónica
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| · Perceived Parenting Styles and their Relation to Self-perceptions of Children from Buenos Aires: Differences by Gender Fernanda-Molina, María; Raimundi, María Julia; Bugallo, Lucía
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| · The Development and Validation of the Schoolwide Climate Scale Del Rey, Rosario; Casas, José Antonio; Ortega-Ruiz, Rosario
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| · Effects of an Emotional Education Intervention in Students of University Programs for Older Students Fonseca-Pedrero, Eduardo; Pérez-Albéne, Alicia; Ortuño-Sierra, Javier; Lucas-Molina, Beatriz
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