| Table of contents Colomb. Med. vol.52 no.3 Cali July/Sept. 2021 Original articles | | | | · Volumetric modulated arc radiosurgery for brain metastases from breast cancer: A single-center study Sánchez-Villalobos, José Manuel; Serna-Berna, Alfredo; Salinas-Ramos, Juan; Escolar-Pérez, Pedro Pablo; Martínez-Alonso, Emma; Achel, Daniel G.; Alcaraz, Miguel
| | | | · Evaluating the effect of a water exercise routine on the postural stability of the elderly Mira, Natali Olaya; Soto Cardona, Isabel Cristina; Martínez Osorno, Laura Vanesa; Mercado Díaz, Darwin Raúl; Henao Ceballos, Luisa María
| | | | · Homicide in children under ten years old in México: A 20-year study Rodríguez, Jorge Martin; Campuzano, Julio Cesar; Ortiz Gómez, Yamileth
| | | | · Analysis of the experience of the geriatric fracture program in two institutions in Colombia: a reproducible model? Olarte, Carlos Mario; Zuluaga, Mauricio; Guzman, Adriana; Camacho, Julian; Lasalvia, Pieralessandro; Garzon, Nathaly; Prieto, Laura; Nuñez, Carmen Elisa; Acuña, Jose; Mejía, Alejandro; García, Maria Claudia
| | | | · Multilevel analysis of birthplace effect on the proportion of C-Section in Colombia” Rodriguez-Lopez, Merida; Correa-Avendaño, Elsa Lorena; Martinez-Avila, Ana Maria; Merlo, Juan
| | | | · Maternal and cord blood parameters are associated with placental and newborn outcomes in indigenous mothers: A case study in the MINDI cohort González-Fernández, Doris; An, Yining; Plourde, Hugues; Pons, Emérita del Carmen; Sinisterra, Odalis Teresa; Rueda, Delfina; Murillo, Enrique; Scott, Marilyn E; Koski, Kristine G
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12) on Chilean women Bascur-Castillo, Carolina; Neisser Palominos, Roberto; Pérez-Villalobos, Cristhian; Carrasco-Portiño, Mercedes
| | | | · Susceptibility to thiopurine toxicity by TPMT and NUDT15 variants in Colombian children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Correa-Jimenez, Oscar; Yunis, Juan José; Linares-Ballesteros, Adriana; Sarmiento-Urbina, Isabel
| | | | · Perception of the healthcare accreditation system in Colombia Franco Herrera, Astolfo León; Fernández Osorio, Adrián David; De La Torre, Alejandro; Cañón Muñoz, Martín; Ordoñez Hernandez, Cecilia Andrea; Gonzalez, Carolina
| | | | · Effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective before and after study Botero, Javier Enrique; Posada-López, Adriana; Mejía-Vallejo, Jimi; Pineda-Tamayo, Ricardo Antonio; Bedoya-Giraldo, Emilio
| | | Review article | | | | · New clues to understand gastroschisis. Embryology, pathogenesis and epidemiology Chuaire Noack, Lilian
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