Articles |
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| · Social responsibility in schools of primary education in Chile: tensions and challenges Severino González, Pedro; Medina Giacomozzi, Álex; Pujol Cols, Lucas
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| · News frames of the judicial conflict between the Argentine government and Clarín Group over the adjustment to the Audiovisual Media Law Koziner, Nadia Sabrina
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| · Keep on working. The technical rationality of mobile hyper-availability for contemporary professional work from analysis of ‘peers socio-technical’ Magallanes Udovicich, Mariana Loreta
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| · The power of the massive traditional means and the digital platforms in the political activism Trillos Pacheco, Juan José; Soto Molina, Jairo
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| · Dress as an artifact of design: Contributions for its study and reflection within the design thinking Fernández Silva, Claudia
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| · Particularities of the coexistence school in the schools of the southeast of Barranquilla Sánchez Ortiz, José Mauricio; Sánchez Reales, José David
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| · Program of school habits to improve the low aca- demic performance in bachelor students of a public school of Popayan-Colombia Erazo Santander, Óscar Armando
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| · Sports, recreational, academic and cultural activities for children aged 6 to 12 years belonging to economical level 1 and 2 of Barranquilla-Colombia Beltrán Picón, Sol Patricia; Heilbron Barraza, Jurgen Heinrich
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| · The theatrical subject: Between aesthetic experience and academic reflection Correa Páez, Jesús
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| · Human management practices. Observation and analysis in the small manufacturing companies of the Boyacá industrial corridor Báez Conde, Efrén; Zambrano Vargas, Sandra Milena; Márquez Moreno, Olga Rocío
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