| Table of contents Rev. Cienc. Salud vol.21 no.2 Bogotá May/Aug. 2023 Editorial | | | | · Malnutrición en el adulto mayor Pinzón-Espitia, Olga Lucía
| | | Social Determinants of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Florida, Valle del Cauca - Colombia Loaiza-Buitrago, Diana Fernanda; Tombé-Reyes, Shirley; Estrada-Trujillo, Victoria Eugenia
| | | Psychological Stress and Diabetes Distress in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review Aguiar-Bernal, Iris Rocío; Miranda-Félix, Patricia Enedina; Ortiz-Félix, Rosario Edith
| | | Experience of Medical Students in Family and Community Health Program at Bogotá University Rodríguez-Gómez, Rodolfo; Platarrueda Vanegas, Claudia Patricia; Córdoba González, Yixel
| | | Malnutrition Associated with Sociodemographic Factors in Older Adults in Medellin, Colombia Giraldo-Giraldo,, Nubia Amparo; Estrada-Restrepo,, Alejandro; Deossa-Restrepo,, Gloria Cecilia
| | | Perception of Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students Prior to the Start of Clinical Practices Arenas Cárdenas, Yury Marcela; Díaz Niño, Sandra Lizeth; Vargas Rodríguez, Leidy Yemile; Díaz Fernández, Jenny Katherine; Quemba Mesa, Mónica Paola
| | | Prevalence, Onset, Evolution, and Prediction of Spasticity Poststroke: A Longitudinal Study Sepúlveda, Paulina; Rivas, Claudia; Rivas, Rodrigo; Saiz, José L; Doussoulin, Arlette
| | | Psychometric Properties of the "Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale" in Mexican Adolescents Díaz de León Castañeda, Christian; Valencia Guzmán, María Jazmín; Lemus Loeza, Bárbara Mónica; Martínez Ávila, Brenda
| | | Psychometric Properties of a Scale to Assess Nursing Attitudes Toward Care at the End of Life in Colombia: The FATCOD-S Scale Campiño Zuluaga, Valeria; Pérez-Villa, Marjorie; Krikorian Daveloza, Alicia
| | | Reproducibility of the "POIBA-How do we Move?" Questionnaire in Colombian Third-Grade Elementary Schools Hormiga-Sánchez, Claudia Milena; Serrano-Gómez, Sergio; Pinillos-Patiño, Yisel; Herazo-Beltrán, Yaneth; Ariza, Carles; Ariza Arteaga, Eduardo
| | | "Better nutrition does not necessarily mean more food": food education and agricultural promotion in Argentina (1960-1970) Reyna, Carla
| | | Sexual and Reproductive Health of Former Colombian Female Guerrillas before and after the Peace Agreement Ochoa Sierra, María; Ruiz Sánchez, Laura; García Jiménez, Marlly Andrea; Ramos Jaraba, Sara Milena; Garcés-Palacio, Isabel C
| | | The Etiological Problem of Psychotic Delusions in Current Neuropsychiatry López-Silva, Pablo
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