| Table of contents Prospect. vol.14 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./June 2016 Articles | | | | · Exergetic assessment for technologies applied to non-conventional energy sources Monroy, Edwin; Rodríguez, Kellys; Bastidas, Marlon
| | | | · Classification of coffee fruits based on ripeness and broca detection using image processing techniques Herrera Pérez, Jean Carlos; Medina Ortiz, Silfri Manuel; Martínez Llano, Gabriel Enrique; Beleño Sáenz, Kelvin de Jesús; Berrio Pérez, Julie Stephany
| | | | · Method of chloride dissemination profiles for corrosion estimate in marine environments Barrios Fontalvo, Modesto; Tejada Tovar, Candelaria; Villabona Ortiz, Ángel
| | | | · Modelling and simulation of LQR and LFSV controllers in the Magnetic Levitation System (MLS) Romero Acero, Alvaro; Orozco Quiceno, Julian Andrés; Jiménez Bulies, Jovani Alberto
| | | | · Modeling and simulation of a catalytic reactor for the oxidation of SO2 to SO3, using V2O5 as catalyst Pernett Bolaño, Leda; Ochoa Martínez, Iván A.; Robledo Barrios, Mauricio E.; Rueda Durán, César A.
| | | | · Quality improvement of a casting process using design of experiments Pons Murguía, Ramón Ángel; Villa González del Pino, Eulalia María; Bermúdez Villa, Yanko; Hernández del Sol, Janeisy
| | | | · Study of FAMEs dilution for avoiding the contamination of Jet-Fuel and biodiesel in a latinamerican pipeline Puello Méndez, Juliana; Peralta-Ruiz, Yeimmy; González-Delgado, Ángel Darío
| | | | · Interactive electronic energy meter for residential use López Hurtado, Jhonier; Arias Murillo, Juan Camilo; Quintero Salazar, Edwin Andrés
| | | | · Mechatronics design of an arduino Shield for controlling brushed DC motors Yime Rodríguez, Eugenio; Páez Almentero, Jheifer
| | | | · Design and simulation of a discrete time controller for regulating temperature in a scale greenhouse Bellon Hernandez, Oscar; Amador Soto, Humberto; Rodríguez Lozano, Erika
| | | | · Drying of tabasco pepper (Capsicum frutescens) using air-forced dehydration Rocha Ángulo, Jimmy Álvaro; Rocha Rocha, Tatiana Margarita; Albis Arrieta, Alberto Ricardo
| | | | · Precordial signal detection system by seismocardiography Zuluaga Gómez, Juan Pablo; Bonaveri, Pablo
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