Editorial |
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| · El acceso abierto y sus paradojas Millán, Juan David; Cudina, Jean Nikola; Ossa, Julio César
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Original papers |
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| · The right to information as an integrating element for the formation of a plural State Morán, Ariel
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| · The new status of knowledge in the technological era and the challenges for education according to Hans Jonas Oliveira, Jelson Roberto de
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| · Does the moment of psychological evaluation affect a popular race? Prieto Andreu, Joel Manuel
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| · Uses and meanings of “self” and “identity” in Mind, Self and Society Gonçalves-Neto, José Umbelino; Lima, Aluísio Ferreira de
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| · Understanding mathematics in the use of symbols and grammar Abreu da Silveira, Marisa Rosâni
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| · An approach to Wittgenstein’s antirealism Defez, Antoni
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The Metaphysical origins of language. Phenomenological Reflections about language in M. Heidegger Barragán Abreu, Oscar
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Original papers |
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| · Wittgenstein: from solipsist closure to community openness Azar, Roberto
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| · The relationship between the human development index, free time and weekly hours worked by the Brazilian population Klafke, Renata
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| · The Theology of Liberation and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed a path toward emancipation Pérez Vargas, John Jairo; González Arcila, Yuliana Andrea; Rodríguez Robayo, Angélica Natalí
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| · Educational social innovation (ISE) as a tool methodological for the search of an education with sense Roa De La Torre, Juan David
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Frontiers |
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| · Corporate Governance and Internatial Audit in Public Higher Education Institutions in Portugal Conceição da Costa Marques, Maria da
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| · Proposal to incorporate competencies of engineering training Grass-Ramírez, Beatriz Eugenia; Collazos, César A.; González, Carina Soledad
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| · A review of expanded educational practices of the Medellin city Uribe Zapata, Alejandro
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Book reviews |
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| · La importancia del análisis crítico del discurso y la gramática visual para analizar textos Díaz Chelech, José
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| · Milagro de la Paz es mi nombre de la Paz Ulloa Vásquez, Milagro
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| · La responsabilidad de los intelectuales Ramírez, Liceth Alonso
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| · Consideraciones generativas de un pensamiento revolucionario Betancurt, Daniel Aguirre
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| · Para un amigo Masco Quintero, Andrea Dayanna
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