Editorial |
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Articulos |
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| · Evaluation of a sexual education program with adolescents: a qualitative perspective Lameiras Fernández, María; Carrera Fernández, María Victoria; Núñez Mangana, Ana María; Rodríguez Castro, Yolanda
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| · Individual, familiar and scholar factors associated to the acceptance and social rejection in scholar children groups between 9 and 11 years old Jaramillo, Jorge Mario; Díaz Ortiz, Karen; Niño, Laura Andrea; Tavera, Adriana Lorena; Velandia Ortiz, Alexandra
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| · Prevalence of depression on children who attendendig school between 8 and 12 years from east Antioquia "child depression inventory" -CDI- Vinaccia, Stefano; Gaviria, Ana Milena; Atehortúa, Luís Federico; Martínez, Piedad Helena; Trujillo, Catalina; Quiceno, Japcy Margarita
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| · Relationan analysis of the contingencies associated to sport practices and it's relation with eating disorders in teenagers between 16 and 18 years old Noreña Mejía, Marcela; Rojas Segura, Natalia; Novoa Gómez, Mónica María
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| · Depression in patients with cancer Valencia Lara, Sandra Carolina
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| · The cancer as a metaphor of death or like an option to re-signify life: narratives in the construction of the familiar experience and its relation with the facing of the cancer for a minor son González Gutiérrez, Orlando; Fonseca Fonseca, Juan Carlos; Jiménez Jordán, Luz Cristina
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| · Winter sun: emotional issues of the chronic renal patient Rudnicki, Tánia
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| · Difference, citizenship and collective health: the therapeutic support in the public network Pelliccioli, Eduardo; Guareschi, Neuza
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| · Pedagogical alternative that answers to the challenge of quality in education: instrumental enrichment program (PEI) Várela, Aída; Gramacho, Ana; Melo, Clelia
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| · Positive psychology: a new perspective in psychology Contreras, Francoise; Esguerra, Gustavo
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| · Behaviorism and some implications about what means to be behaviorist today Hurtado P, Camilo
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| · Panorama of the organizational climate studies in Bogota, Colombia (1994-2005) Vega, Diana; Arévalo, Alejandra; Sandoval, Jhennifer; Aguilar, Ma Constanza; Giraldo, Javier
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| · Inclusion, what for? Souza Dos Santos, Sueli
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