| Table of contents rev.colomb.cienc.hortic. vol.10 no.1 Bogotá Jan./June 2016 Editorial | | | | | | | Section of fruits | | | | · Spondias tuberosa trees grown in tropical, wet environments are more susceptible to drought than those grown in arid environments CAMARGOS ANTUNES, WERNER; RÊGO MENDES, KEILA; RODRIGUES DE MELO CHAVES, AGNALDO; OMETTO, JEAN PIERRE; JARMA-OROZCO, ALFREDO; POMPELLI, MARCELO FRANCISCO
| | | | · Growth rates in blackberry (Rubus alpinusMacfad) plants under different pruning systems MORENO-MEDINA, BRIGITTE LILIANA; CASIERRA-POSADA, FÁNOR; BLANKE, MICHAEL
| | | | · Effect of N, P, K, Mg, Ca and B deficiencies on the accumulation and distribution of dry mass in guava plants (Psidium guajava L.) var. Palmira ICA II in the nursery phase DUSSÁN, SINDY LORENA; VILLEGAS, DANIEL ANDRÉS; MIRANDA, DIEGO
| | | | · Biomass and root development response of lulo (Solanum quitoensevar. septentrionale) plants to shading and waterlogging CARDONA, WILLIAM ANDRÉS; BAUTISTA-MONTEALEGRE, LUIS GABRIEL; FLÓREZ-VELASCO, NIXON; FISCHER, GERHARD
| | | Section of vegetables | | | | · Effect of hidroxy-carboxylic acids on the bio-regulation of stress caused by herbicides in tomato crops RODRÍGUEZ, JORGE A.; PLAZA, GUIDO
| | | | · Blanching treatment effect on the enzymatic activity of polyphenoloxidase in two varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) ARRÁZOLA-PATERNINA, GUILLERMO; ALVIS-BERMÚDEZ, ARMANDO; GARCÍA-MOGOLLÓN, CARLOS
| | | | · Effect of population density on the yield of export-type white yams (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) PÉREZ P., DAIRO JAVIER; CAMPO A., RODRIGO ORLANDO
| | | | · Effect of tillage on the structural stability and resistance to penetration of a Inceptisol planted with arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft) in Boyaca PINTO-ACERO, YOMAIRA LINEY; ÁLVAREZ-HERRERA, JAVIER GIOVANNI; FORERO-ULLOA, FABIO EMILIO
| | | Section of aromatic and medicinal herbs | | | | · Effect of greenhouse heights on the production of aromatic herbs in Colombia. Part 1: Chives (Allium schoenoprasum L.) BUSTAMANTE, NELSON; ACUÑA, JOHN FABIO; VALERA, DIEGO
| | | Section of other species | | | | · Evaluation of container types on the root growth of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Castillo) in the nursery stage ARLETTE IVONNE, GIL C.; DÍAZ M., LUIS JAVIER
| | | Review articles | | | | · Boron stress affects photosynthesis and metabolism of plant pigments. A review MORENO-ECHEVERRY, DARWIN; QUIROGA, IVONNE A.; BALAGUERA-LÓPEZ, HELBER ENRIQUE; MAGNITSKIY, STANISLAV
| | | | · Agricultural water balances in agroclimatic simulation models. An analytical review CLEVES L., JOSÉ ALEJANDRO; TORO C., JAVIER; MARTÍNEZ B., LIVEN FERNANDO
| | | Section of reflection | | | | · Certification of healthy plant material in Colombia: A critical analysis of opportunities and challenges to control virus diseases RODRÍGUEZ, MARLON H.; NIÑO, NANCY E.; CUTLER, JOSEPH; LANGER, JULIANE; CASIERRA-POSADA, FÁNOR; MIRANDA, DIEGO; BANDTE, MARTINA; BÜTTNER, CARMEN
| | | Scientific notes | | | | · Effect of magnetically treated water on the growth and production of curcuma (Curcuma longa L.) ZÚÑIGA, ORLANDO; BENAVIDES, JHONY ARMANDO; JIMÉNEZ, CRISTIAN ORLANDO; GUTIÉRREZ, MAURICIO ALEJANDRO; TORRES, CELINA
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