Articles |
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| · Farmers and Breeders of Bogota Savannah in face of Climatic Changes in the 18th Century MORA PACHECO, KATHERINNE GISELLE
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| · Smuggle Across the Border. Clandestine Trade Relations in the Northeastern of New Spain, 1808-1821 BARRERA-ENDERLE, ALBERTO
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| · A Viceroyalty "without Viceroy". Political and Economic in Peru, During the Government of Count of Santisteban (1661-1666) JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, ISMAEL
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| · Restraint and peculio, two elements to understand the slave manumission. Santiago de Cali (1750-1810) PORTILLA HERRERA, KARENT VIVIANA
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| · Witches, Beasts and Indians. Imaginaries of Evil and Marginalization in the Kingdom of Chile, 1693-1793 PLAZA SALGADO, CAMILA BELÉN
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| · Medical Bibliography and Sensationalism. The Discursos Medicinales of Juan Mendez Nieto DEL RÍO PARRA, ELENA
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| · Novohispanos Traces in the Formation of the National State. Civic Celebrations in San Luis Potosí, Mexico in the 1820's SALAZAR MENDOZA, FLOR DE MARÍA
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| · Swaddle/Cling/Wrap. Chumpi and Girdles. Clothes and Accessories of Indians Women's in Potosí and La Plata, 16th and 17th Centuries VEGA, ALEJANDRA; GUERRA ARAYA, NATALIE
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Reviews |
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| · Un clero en transición. Población clerical, cambio parroquial y política eclesiástica en el arzobispado de México, 1700-1749 CASTILLO FLORES, JOSÉ GABINO
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| · El quipu colonial. Estudios y materiales HUAMANCHUMO DE LA CUBA, OFELIA
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| · El Negro de Filadelfia: Un estudio social SILVA, RENÁN
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| · Ni con pequeño trabajo, ni con pequeño favor de Dios: Fray Pedro Aguado y fray Antonio de Medrano frente a la conquista del Nuevo Reino de Granada, 1550-1582 COBO BETANCOURT, JUAN FERNANDO
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| · Cuerpo y religión en el México barroco GONZÁLEZ TORRES, ANNIA
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