Articles |
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| · Writing Down Desires, Passions and Powers: Recording Social Bonds to “Raise a City”. Notaries of San Felipe de Aconcagua, Chile, 1740-1837 ALBORNOZ VÁSQUEZ, MARÍA EUGENIA
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| · The Blandengues of Buenos Aires Frontier and the Dilemma of the Spanish Empire Defense, 1752-1806 ALEMANO, MARÍA EUGENIA
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| · The Consumption and Supply of Meat and other Livestock Raw Materials in the City of Santafé of the New Kingdom of Granada, 1572-1716 CASTAÑO PAREJA, YOER JAVIER
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| · Regiones muy ricas de oro y gemas . Information and Representations about Precious Stones in the First Printed Sources on Spanish America (1493-1526) FIGUEROA CANCINO, JUAN DAVID
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| · The Body of King: Power and Legitimation in the Hispanic Monarchy SALAZAR BAENA1 2, VERÓNICA
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Reviews |
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| · Las señoras de los indios: el papel de la división social del trabajo a partir del parentesco en el desarrollo de la encomienda en la Tierra Firme, 1510-1630 BONNETT VÉLEZ, DIANA
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| · O jogo da dissimulação. Abolição e cidadania negra no Brasil CASTAÑEDA V, CAROLINA
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| · Le Musée National de Colombie 1823-1830. Histoire d 'une création ROBLEDO PÁEZ, SANTIAGO
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| · Des archives aux terrains. Essais d'anthropologie historique SILVA, RENÁN
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