Special section |
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| · Enslaved Mobilities of the Magdalena Great River, New Kingdom of Granada, 18 th Century Bonil Gómez, Katherine
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| · Tracking the Berceau's Fleet: Organic Metaphors, Epidemics, and Revolution in the Transimperial Caribbean at the Turn of the 19 th Century Durango Loaiza, Miguel
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| · The Custody of the Spanish Caribbean: French Fortification in Spanish Ports in the Early Eighteenth Century López Hernández, Ignacio J.
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| · Technical Resources Used in the Walls Repairments of Cartagena de Indias in the 18 th Century Galindo-Díaz, Jorge; Mejía Clavijo, Camilo
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General section |
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| · An American Library in Rome: Universality and Frailty in Missionary Writing (1566-1725) Gaune Corradi, Rafael; Fontaine Correa, Amparo
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| · "I Am Not Portuguese, but Creole of this Province Where my Mother is From". Daughters and Sons of Portuguese Born in the Viceroyalty of Peru, 1570-1700 Sullón Barreto, Gleydi
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| · Spanish Gold Mining in Araucanía: Its Characteristics and Contribution to the Economy of the Kingdom of Chile during the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century Zavala, José Manuel
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| · Raising Atacama: from Tribute and Forced Distribution of Goods to State Credit and Indigenous Contribution (16 th to 19 th Centuries) Chiappe, Carlos María; Carmona Yost, Javier
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| · Maroons and Spaces of Resistance in Southern New Spain: an Approach to Individual and Collective Cases in the Bishopric of Oaxaca (1591-1769) Córdova A., Maira Cristina
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| · Shamanism in Mutation: from Chamanes To Medicine-Man: the Case of Panche and Pijao in the Early 17 th Century Rubiano Carvajal, Juan Carlos
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| · Proposal for the Historical-Semiotic Study of an Indigenous Testament from the 17 th Century Granted by a Cacique from the Province of Guane in the New Kingdom of Granada Moreno González, María Consuelo; Acevedo Tarazona, Álvaro; Rodríguez Ruíz, Jorge Ferdinando
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| · Mail concessions for a global empire: correos mayores in the Spanish Empire in America (1514-1620) González Martínez, Nelson Fernando
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Reviews |
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| · Economía, obras públicas y trabajadores urbanos. Ciudad de México: 1687-1807 Povea Moreno, Isabel M.
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| · Vivir en policía y a son de campana. El establecimiento de la república de indios en la provincia de Santafé, 1550-1604 Cuño, Justo
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| · Los ingenios del pincel. Geografía de la pintura y la cultura visual en la América colonial Cruz Medina, Juan Pablo
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| · Morir de amor. Violencia conyugal en la Nueva Granada. Siglos XVI al XIX Bonnett Vélez, Diana
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