| Sumário Rev. colom. nefrol. vol.8 no.2 Bogotá jul./dez. 2021 Artigo de pesquisa original | | | | · Patient and graft survival in the elderly kidney transplant recipients Sánchez Ávila, Yenifer; Patino Jaramillo, Nasly; García López, Andrea; Girón Luque, Fernando
| | | | · Thromboelastographic alterations in patients with dialytic urgency Torres Serrano, Rodolfo Eduardo; Benavides Tamayo, Helman Enrique
| | | | · Impact of predialysis therapy on kidney transplant outcomes Nieto-Ríos, John Fredy; García-Prada, Camilo Andrés; Villegas-Molina, Juan Pablo; Alzate-Aristizabal, Arbey; Zuluaga-Valencia, Gustavo Adolfo; Serna-Higuita, Lina Maria
| | | | · Nursing care of patients in peritoneal dialysis: from theory to practice Franco Mejía, Viviana; Depine, Santos Ángel; Mejía Royet, Francia; Pallares, Fanny; Sarmiento, Joanny; Lastre, Gloria; Bohórquez Moreno, Cristina
| | | | · Nephrological conditions, manifestations, and repercussions of COVID-19 Amador Cannals, Annia Cristina; Vargas Rodríguez, Ledmar Jovanny; Rodríguez Mongui, David Alexis; Aborashed Amador, Nahala Fahed; Rozo Ortiz, Edwar Jassir
| | | Artigo de revisão | | | | · State of the art of cardiorenal syndrome, advantages and limitations of known therapies Manzur Barbur, María Carolina; Mejía Sanjuanelo, Ana Milena; Anaya Taboada, Marco; García Domínguez, Juan Camilo; Molano Triviño, Alejandra
| | | | · Hemodialysis-Associated Amyloidosis: Review of its ethiopathogenic aspects Bohórquez Rivero, José; Sánchez Martínez, Diego; Brieva-Deulofeut, Mónica; Sáenz López, José; Restom Arrieta, José; Abuabara Franco, Emilio
| | | Artigo de casos clínicos | | | | · Minimal Change Disease as a paraneoplastic glomerulopathy in a patient with solid tumor Romero-Castellanos, William Orlando; Vargas-Brochero, María José; Huérfano-Castro, Manuel Alejandro; Andrade Pérez, Rafael Enrique
| | | | · Cryptococcus neoformans co-infection in a kidney transplant patient with COVID-19 Torres Serrano, Rodolfo Eduardo; San Martin, Carlos Rosselli; Olivares Algarín, Orlando; Agudelo Gonzalez, Stefany; Carrillo Ayerbe, María Paula; Coral Zúñiga, Victoria Elena
| | | | · Sclerodermal kidney crisis Pedroza Pallares, Álvaro; Castiglioni, Teresa; Bouza, Gabriel
| | | | · Hepatorrenal syndrome in acute on chronic hepatic failure Giraldo Ocampo, Christian Camilo; Jiménez Bejarano, María Fernanda; Torres Saltarín, Jaime José
| | | | · Congenital nephrotic syndrome debuting with disease of minimal changes Guerrero Varticovsky, Ana Valeria; Benitez Cardoza, María Clara; Polo Castillo, Ariel; Bolaño Cervantes, Marco
| | | | · High transtubular gradient hypokalemia: a practical proposal for its focus Torres, Rodolfo; Rosselli, Carlos; Olivares, Carlos; Olivares, Orlando; Rumpf, Paola M.; Pulido-Medina, Cristian
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