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Publication ofUniversidad Nacional de Colombia
Print version ISSN 0012-7353On-line version ISSN 2346-2183


DYNA is a scientific publication of Engineering and Technological Sciences. Founded on 1933, DYNA presents works in the area of Engineering, Sciences and Technology of the Faculty of Mines of the National University of Colombia, Medellin. Circulation of DYNA is three times a year and mainly presents articles of scientific research and technological development, original articles of reflection on a problem or particular topic and articles of revision that offer to a general perspective of the state of a specific dominion of science and the technology. Also DYNA publish technical notes and communications, as well as discussions on particular points of the thematic cover by the magazine: Technology, Sciences and Engineering. All the published articles are put under revision by pairs or referees of well-known suitability in the subject.


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