| Sumário Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas vol.89 no.221 Medellín abr./un. 2022 Artigos | | | | · Monetary valuation of a technological patent under transfer alternatives. The case of a products manufacturer company for the electrical and telecommunications sector in Medellín-Colombia Ramírez-Atehortúa, Fabián Hernando; Atehortúa-García, Catalina; Montes-Gómez, Luis Fernando
| | | | · Analyzing PM10 concentrations and their trace elements in southern Lima, Peru: a case study from March 06th to 13th, 2020 Sánchez-Ccoyllo, Odón R.; Gala-Barraza, Yeiko; Arratea-Morán, Jessica
| | | | · Risk analysis by Monte Carlo simulation in underground rock excavation projects Alves Cantini Cardozo, Fernando; Cordova, Diogo Peixoto; Petter, Carlos Otávio
| | | | · Use of a business intelligence framework in the management of the quality of electricity supply in small and medium-sized companies Risco-Ramos, Redy; Pérez-Aguilar, Daniel; Casaverde-Pacherrez, Luis; Vásquez-Díaz, Edilberto
| | | | · Numerical modeling to evaluate tensile mechanical and shear failure of cement in the casing-cement interface Mayorga-Ribero, Karina Andrea; Gambús-Ordaz, Maika Karen; Palencia-Muñoz, Miguel Fernando; Suárez-Arias, Diego Fernando
| | | | · Dynamic modeling of the Energy Returned On Invested Camargo, Federico Gabriel
| | | | · Design of mixture experiments for the analysis of viscosity behavior of sulfonated polyacrylamide solutions (ATBS) with changes in salinity, hardness, and polymer concentration Herrera, Julia; Quintero, Henderson; Maya, Gustavo; Castro, Rubén; Prada, Luis Carlos; Maldonado, Laura; Villar, Álvaro; Pérez, Eduar
| | | | · Applying hydrological modeling to unravel the effects of land use change on the runoff of a paramo ecosystem Cabrera-Balarezo, Juan José; Sucozhanay-Calle, Adrián Esteban; Crespo-Sánchez, Patricio Javier; Timbe-Castro, Luis Manuel
| | | | · Evaluation of losses in electrical subtransmission networks by neural network modeling Laurencio-Pérez, Álvaro; Pérez-Maliuk, Igor; Pérez-Maliuk, Olga
| | | | · Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study to optimize the auxiliary ventilation system in an underground mine Vives, Jordi; Bascompta, Marc; Felipe, José Juan de; Sanmiquel, Lluís
| | | | · The role of natural gas in today's energy transition González-De León, Marco; Scipio-Cimetta, Sabrina Di
| | | | · The use of Nanomaterials in the construction sector: a literary review Muñoz-Pérez, Sócrates Pedro; Gonzales-Pérez, Yoshida Mirella; Pardo-Muñoz, Tabita Elizabeth
| | | | · Alteration in the gene expression of the HepG2 cell line by exposure to particulate matter (PM) of diesel Orozco-Jiménez, Luz Yaneth; Estrada-Vélez, Verónica; Cuesta-Castro, Diana Paola; Isaza, Juan Pablo; Molina, Francisco; Palacio-B, Jaime; Álvarez-Orozco, Maria Elena; Ortiz-Trujillo, Isabel
| | | | · Decolorization of colored wastewaters with Turquoise Blue dye by the Leptosphaerulina sp. native Colombian fungus - Influence of operational parameters Caicedo-Montoya, Carlos; Copete-Pertuz, Ledys S.; Correa-Londono, Guillermo A.; Mora-Martínez, Amanda L.; Yepes-Pérez, Maria
| | | | · A general model for rectangular footings. Part I: optimal surface García-Galván, Marylú; Luévanos-Rojas, Arnulfo; López-Chavarría, Sandra; Medina-Elizondo, Manuel; Rivera-Mendoza, José Benito
| | | | · Thermo-mechanical study of the mixture of polylactic acid PLA obtained from potato starch with an aliphatic copolyester PBSA (polybutylene sucyanate adipate) Amaya-Pinos, Jorge
| | | | · Deadheading minimization of the mass transportation system in the city of Cali Colombia Erazo-Cifuentes, Yovany Arley; Vidal-Holguín, Carlos Julio
| | | | · Technological incident classification model from a machine learning approach in insurance services Gómez-Jaramillo, Paola Andrea; González-Echavarría, Favián; Pérez-Rave, Jorge Iván
| | | | · Analysis of the influence of climatic variability on precipitation in the Cali River basin, Colombia Pérez-Ortiz, Mayra Alejandra; Montenegro-Murillo, Daniel David; Vargas-Franco, Viviana
| | | | · Arsenic in groundwater of the Callacame river basin, and its impact on agricultural soils in Desaguadero, Puno - Perú Calcina-Benique, Miguel Elias; Calcina-Rondán, Liliam Elizabeth; Huaraya-Chambi, Froilán Rodolfo; Salas-Camargo, Antonio Renán; Tejada-Meza, Kevin
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