| Sumário Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas vol.90 no.225 Medellín jan./mar. 2023 Artigos | | | | · Productivity and technological quality in sugarcane ratoon under subsoiling between planting rows in the northeast region of Brazil Paulino da Silva, Evanilson; Monteiro Rolim, Mário; Mesquita da Silva, Manasses; Duarte Guedes Cabral de Almeida, Ceres; Simões Neto, Djalma Euzébio; de Oliveira, Wanderson José
| | | | · Analysis of the dimensional variation of 3D printed obje97676765567u7j cts (FMD) subjected to annealing postprocessing Monar-Naranjo, Martín; Freire-Guevara, Belén; Sánchez-Pomboza, Cristhian
| | | | · Vehicle maintenance management based on machine learning in agricultural tractor engines Mafla-Yépez, Carlos Nolasco; Morales-Bayetero, Cesar Fabricio; Hernández-Rueda, Erik Paul; Benavides-Cevallos, Ignacio Bayardo
| | | | · Economic design optimization of RC road bridges under current conditions in Cuba Luna-Delgado, Naile; Negrin-Diaz, Iván; Chagoyén-Méndez, Ernesto
| | | | · Rehabilitation and reforms of issues in vehicle parks lots and tower blocks structures Bajad, Mohankumar N.
| | | | · Hospital rough cut capacity planning in a General Surgery service Sánchez-Suárez, Yasniel; Marqués-León, Maylín; Hernández-Nariño, Arialys; Santos-Pérez, Orlando
| | | | · Weighted Average Bridge Inspection Methodology (WABIM) Amariles-López, Cristhian Camilo; Osorio-Gómez, Cristian Camilo
| | | | · Do Internet search patterns predict election results? An analysis of the 2022 presidential election in Colombia using a reproducible descriptive analytics framework Pérez-Rave, Jorge Iván; Maya-Restrepo, María Alejandra; González-Echavarría, Favián
| | | | · Evaluation of the productivity quality of the cocoa bean according to the Theory of Practice (TP) and Artificial Intelligence: a systematic review Alegría-Campo, Dairo; Zúñiga-Escobar, Orlando; Huerta-Barrientos, Aida
| | | | · Exergetic evaluation of a pilot plant for the integral use of oranges: a case study Arango-Meneses, Juan Fernando; Velásquez-Arredondo, Héctor Iván; Medina, Esperanza
| | | | · Physicochemical, antioxidant, and technofunctional properties of mushroom (Pleurotus sp) flour obtained by hot air drying Vélez-Uribe, Tatiana; Orozco-Agudelo, Natalia; Manjarrés-Pinzón, Gustavo; Manjarrés-Pinzón, Katherine; Gil-González, Jesús; Rodríguez-Sandoval, Eduardo
| | | | · Assessment of LES Dynamic Smagorinsky-Lilly model resolution for combustion engineering applications Garcia-Lovella, Yaniel; Herrera-Moya, Idalberto; Rubio-Rodríguez, Manuel A.; Jayasuriya, Jeevan
| | | | · Identifying relevant factors about work accidents in the road transport sector and the deaths relation in this scenario Ferreira da Silva, Lucimara; Lavezo dos Reis, Beatriz; Dos Santos Jesus, Liandra; Lapasini Leal, Gislaine Camila; Cardoza Galdamez, Edwin Vladimir
| | | | · Calibration and validation of models to estimate the hydraulic parameters of a confined aquifer in a tropical region Huguet-Sierra, Gerardo Arturo; Márquez-Romance, Adriana Mercedes; Guevara- Pérez, Edilberto; Pérez-Pacheco, Sergio Alejandro; Buroz-Castillo, Eduardo
| | | | · Behavior of a new laterally top-loaded post-grouted micropile in highly porous lateritic soil Barbosa, Yuri; Rocha de Albuquerque, Paulo José; Pinheiro Tarozzo, Murilo Heryaldo; de Carvalho, David
| | | | · Rotational inertia-based tuned-mass-damper for controlling force transmission Barredo, Eduardo; Mendoza-Larios, José Gabriel; Mazón-Valadez, Cuauhtémoc; Maldonado-Bravo, Irving Abdiel
| | | | · Metamodel simulation for designing monopole telecommunication antenna support structures Sánchez-Guerrero, Johnny Homero; Lagos-Zamora, Christian David; Peña-Jordán, Francisco Agustín; Arroba-Arroba, Cesar Hernán
| | | | · Time dependence in the synthesis of Cu2FeSnS4 and some of its properties Muñoz-Malpica, Jorge Humberto; Espitia-Mayorga, Mery Isabel; Cerón-Achicanoy, María Alejandra; Gómez-Cuaspud, Jairo Alberto; Vera-López, Enrique
| | | | · Experimental analysis of combustion with the use of ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blends in diesel generator sets Pacheco Leão, Sara; Fernandes Martins Nogueira, Manoel; Maxil Zarate Rocha, Hendrick; da Silva Guerra, Danielle Regina; Seawright de Campos, Ricardo Augusto
| | | | · Analysis and experimental validation of soils liquefaction through granulometric study Cano-Franco, Valentina; Medina-Mosquera, Karen Daniela; Restrepo-Escobar, Juan Felipe; Vélez-Hoyos, Francisco J.; Aristizabal-Tique, Victor H.
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