Publicando |
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| · La Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría: un compromiso de todos
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Artigo Especial |
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| · Photographic History of the Body, Exposure and Response Prevention and Sensory Integration as Integrated Therapeutic Tools in the Flexibilization of Body Image Distortion in Eating Disorders Gempeler Rueda, Juanita
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| · Therapeutic Conversation and the Construction of an Ethnia Garciandía, José Antonio; Samper, Jeannette
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Artigo Revisao |
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| · Clinical Evaluation of Hypersomnia Chica Urzola, Heydy Luz; Escobar Córdoba, Franklin; Echeverry Chabur, Jorge
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Epistemologia, filosofia da mente e bioética |
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| · El advenimiento de la metáfora mente-computador* Del alma al software (3) de Brigard, Felipe
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Metodologia de investigão e leitura crítica |
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| · Placebo Effect in the Patient with Depression Cano Romero, Juan Fernando
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Reporte do Caso |
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| · Thyroid Hormones and Mood Disorders Ortiz Pérez, Lina; de la Espriella, Mauricio
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