| Table of contents rev.fac.med. vol.66 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2018 Editorial | | | | · Contaminación del agua en países de bajos y medianos recursos, un problema de salud pública Gómez-Duarte, Oscar G.
| | | Original papers | | | | · Pregnancy and birth in women with advanced maternal age from Tunja, Colombia 2011-2015 Ospina-Díaz, Juan Manuel; Manrique-Abril, Fred Gustavo; Herrera-Amaya, Giomar Maritza
| | | | · Profile and disease burden of gastric cancer patients undergoing gastrectomy Carrillo, Gloria Mabel; Bayona, Herman Arnulfo; Arias, Edier Mauricio
| | | | · Positive predictive value of invasive prenatal diagnosis for chromosomal abnormalities Fandiño-Losada, Andrés; Lucumí-Villegas, Beatriz; Ramírez-Cheyne, Julián; Isaza-de Lourido, Carolina; Saldarriaga, Wilmar
| | | | · Body composition and somatotype of athletes of Brazilian w5-a-side football team: Paralympic team Rio 2016 Lameira-de Oliveira, Glauber; Soares de Pinho-Gonçalves, Patrícia; Adão Perini-de Oliveira, Talita; Valentim-Silva, João Rafael; Roquetti-Fernandes, Paula; Fernandes-Filho, José
| | | | · Dual tasks in institutionalized seniors with different levels of cognitive impairment. Cross-sectional study Valenza, Marie Carmen; Ariza-Mateos, María José; Ortiz-Rubio, Araceli; Casilda-López, Jesús; Romero-Fernández, Ramón; Moreno-Ramírez, María Paz Auxiliadora
| | | | · Correlation between health and school sports from an intercultural perspective: multiple case study Carter-Thuillier, Bastian; López-Pastor, Víctor; Gallardo-Fuentes, Francisco
| | | | · Effect of anthropic activities on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of the Bogotá River along the municipality of Villapinzón-Cundinamarca Díaz-Martínez, Jorge Alberto; Granada-Torres, Carlos Arturo
| | | | · Clinical supervisor in a medium-complexity hospital: viewpoint of Nutrition and Dietetics students Cisterna-Hidalgo, Sara Stephanie; Cabezas-González, Mirtha; Ulesca-Pretty, Mónica
| | | | · Use of energy, kinematics and stability in gait of a patient with transfemoral amputation without rehabilitation approach Fábrica, Gabriel; Peña, Iliana; Silva-Pereyra, Valentina; Ramos-Arim, Virginia
| | | | · A longitudinal study on stress sources perceived by Chilean dental students Fonseca-Molina, Juan; Torres-Martínez, Pilar Alejandra; Barrios-Penna, Carolina Alejandra; Calbacho-Contreras, Valentina; Aguirre-Bustamante, Javiera Paz; Fernández-Sagredo, Marcelo; Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio
| | | | · Contribution of psychomotor therapy to the progress of children with disabilities Heron-Flores, Marguerite; Gil-Madrona, Pedro; Sáez-Sánchez, María Belén
| | | Reflection article | | | | · Cancer and mitochondrial function Freyre-Bernal, Sofía Isabel; Saavedra-Torres, Jhan Sebastian; Zúñiga-Cerón, Luisa Fernanda; Díaz-Córdoba, Wilmer Jair; Pinzón-Fernández, María Virginia
| | | | · Eponyms in medical sciences: historical errors that lead to injustice Duque-Parra, Jorge Eduardo; Barco-Ríos, John; Dávila-Alzate, Natalia
| | | | · Contributions to medicine and education of the Hospital San Juan de Dios García-Ubaque, Juan Carlos; Sastre-Cifuentes, Raúl Esteban; Becerra-Peñaranda, Laura Sorangel
| | | | · Policies and practices: Speech-Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy services provision to early childhood in Colombia. Moreno-Chaparro, Jaime; Calderón-Calvo, Alejandro; Cubillos-Mesa, Cristian; Moreno-Angarita, Marisol
| | | Review article | | | | · Helicobacter pylori, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer Ruíz-Narváez, Carlos Ernesto; Martínez-Rodríguez, John Edward; Cedeño-Burbano, Anuar Alonso; Erazo-Tapia, José Miguel; Pabón-Fernández, Carlos David; Unigarro-Benavides, Lina Victoria; Buitrón-Zúñiga, Ednna Lizeth; Burbano-Imbachí, Alexander
| | | | · Update on polycystic kidney disease Montaña, Andrea; Patiño, Nasly; Larrate, Carolina; Zambrano, Fanny Andrea; Martínez, Jaime; Lozano, Harvey; Lozano, Eyner
| | | | · Motor Training from reality to virtuality Torres-Narváez, Martha; Sánchez-Romero, Juanita; Pérez-Viatela, Andrea; Betancu, Estefanía; Villamil-Ballesteros, Jenny; Valero-Sánchez, Karen
| | | Case reports | | | | · Hypoglossal neurofibroma in a Colombian child: case report Niño-Nuvan, Fabián Camilo; Gómez-Rueda, Paola Andrea; Lozano-Triana, Carlos Javier; Quintero, Edna Margarita
| | | Letters to the editor | | | | · Tropical sprue, a neglected disease as a differential diagnosis of celiac disease De Benedictis-Serrano, Ginno Alessandro; Contreras-Lugo, Laura; Córdova-Rivas, Génesys; Ríos-González, Carlos Miguel
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