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| · The organization-environment relationship, contributions from kurt dopfer's ontology and evolutionary economics: The organization as a system of rules Noguera Hidalgo, Ángela Lucía; Castro Ríos, Guido Angello
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| · Causal effect between the Ibovespa stock market and Shanghai, S&P500, Merval and Nikkei indicators Sánchez Arévalo, Jorge Luis; Moreira de Sousa, Gabriela; Malta Meurer, Rodrigo
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| · Youth employment determinants. The Argentine case in 2004-2018 Favata, Federico; Leone, Julián; Lo Cascio, Jorge
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| · Reallocation of the public budget and educational policy in Chile. Background, debates and challenges Donoso-Díaz, Sebastián; Reyes, Daniel; Arias, Óscar
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| · Household final consumption function for Ecuador, period 2000-2017 Covri Rivera, Daniele
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| · Analysis of expansive and redistributive effects of Programa para el Bienestar de las Personas Adultas Mayores in Mexico and its regions Chapa Cantu, Joana Cecilia; Rangel González, Erick; Mosqueda Chávez, Marco Tulio
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| · Fiscal multipliers and monetary policy in Colombia. A counterfactual analysis Ojeda Joya, Jair Neftalí; Guzmán, Óscar
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| · Occupational segregation by gender and employment in micro-enterprises in Colombia Vargas, Marlyn Vanessa; Castillo, Rubén
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| · University regulations and spin-off creation: An empirical analysis of Antioquia, Santander and Norte de Santander Quiñónez Mosquera, Alejandro; Ahumada Ahumada, Valeria; Rodeiro Pazos, David
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| · Informality, growth and development on the Colombian-Venezuelan border: the case of the department of Arauca Aguilar, José G.; Mahecha Guerra, Barceló Ronal E.
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| · Unconscious electoral decisions: Biases that determine the vote in Colombia Alayón, José Luis; Boada Bayona, Carolina
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| · Financial inclusion in Colombia. Impact evaluation of the Community Savings and Credit Groups Program Salas Bahamón, Luz Magdalena
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