| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.5 no.2 Tunja July/Dec. 2014 Editorial | | | | · Carta editorial Gómez Cuaspud, Jairo Alberto
| | | Articles | | | | · Fluid Queue Driven by Finite State Markov Processes Arunachalam, V; Dharmaraja, S
| | | | · Statistical Methods for Competing Risks: A Comparative Study Yáñez Canal, S; Lopera Gómez, C. M; Jaramillo Elorza, M. C
| | | | · Acrylamide Determintion in the Sugar Cane Juice Process by the Liquid Chromatography Technique Vargas Lasso, J. J; Talero Pérez, Y. V; Trujillo Suárez, F. A; Camelo Caballero, L. R
| | | | · A Diels-Alder Reaction Theoretical Study, by using Quiral Anthracene Groups, Through the Frontier Orbitals Usage Vivas-Reyes, R; Cardozo, K. M; Oviedo, J. F
| | | | · Analysis of the Performance of the mBJLDA Potential Considering Pressure Effects Camargo-Martínez, J. A; Correa-Higuera, L. J; Baquero, R
| | | | · Controlled Manipulation of Vortices in 3D/2D Superconducting Samples González-Acosta, J; Aguilar-Siado, J; Barba-Ortega, J
| | | | · Useful Plants in the Corregimiento Santa Inés and Ride San Felipe (San Marcos, Sucre, Colombia) Barrios-Paternina, E; Mercado-Gómez, J
| | | | · Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi in Paramo Soil Cultivated with Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Beltrán Pineda, M. E
| | | | · Applying Composite Methods for Estimating Enthalpies of Formation of Peroxides ROOR' (R, R'= H, F, Cl y NO) Buendía-Atencio, C; Vivas-Reyes, R; Gómez Castaño, J. A; Lorett Velásquez, V. P
| | | | · Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation of R-(+)-Limonene on Jacobsen Type Catalysts Cubillos Lobo, J. A; Páez Guevara, L. A; Romanelli, G. P
| | | | · A Kinesin Transport Phenomena as a Brownian Motor with Hand-Over-Hand Movement Type Avellaneda Bernal, D. R; Naranjo Mayorga, F
| | | | · Calculation of the Electronic Structure of (GaN)4(RuN)4 Superlattice Espitia R, M. J; Casiano Jiménez, G; Ortega López, C
| | | | · Descriptive-Transversal Study of the Down Syndrome in Patients from Boyacá (Colombia) Vergara Estupiñán, E. J; Forero-Castro, R. M; Moreno Granados, J. I
| | | | · Evaluation of Growth and Compatibility of white Rot Fungi Rojas Barreto, J. A; Hormaza Anaguano, A
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