Editorial |
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| · Carta editorial Gómez Velasco, Nubia Yaneth
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Articles |
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| · Synthesis and Characterization of the La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 System Cruz Pacheco, A. F; Gómez Cuaspud, J. A
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| · Oxidative Stabilization of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis Linneo) Oil with Mortiño (Vaccinium Meridionale SW) Suspensions Addition Zapata Acosta, K; Piedrahita, A. M; Alzate, A. F; Cortés, F. B; Rojano, B. A
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| · Characterization and Chemical Variability of Two Essential Oils From Croton funckianus (Euphorbiaceae) Coy Barrera, C. A; Gómez, D. C
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| · Thermal and Spectral Analysis of Sm+3 Ion in a Glass Matrix With TeO2 Herrera Carrillo, A; Sarmiento Santos, A; Barón González, A. J
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| · Heavy Metal Analysis on Soils Irrigated with Water from the Guatiquía River Ramírez Niño, M. Á; Navarro Ramírez, M. Á
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| · Effect of the Traffc Noise on the Songs of Hylophilus Flavipes and Cyclarhis gujanensis Pacheco-Vargas, G; Losada-Prado, S
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| · Birds and Mammals of High Mountain Ecosystems in the Rabanal Paramo (Boyacá-Colombia) Medina, W; Macana García, D. C; Sánchez, F
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| · Continuity in Generalized Weak Structures Ávila, J; Molina, F
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| · Some Relations between N-Koszul, Artin-Schelter Regular and Calabi-Yau Algebras with Skew PBW Extensions Suárez, H; Lezama, O; Reyes, A
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| · Study of the Behavior and Impact of the Weather on the Potato Crop and Pasture in the Central Region of Boyacá Using Dynamic Systems
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| · Finite Difference Discretization of the Laplace and Poisson Equations. Application to the Anular Ring (donut) Méndez Moreno, L. M; Orozco Hernández, G; Fonseca, F
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| · Volumetric Properties of Ethanol and [Emim]+ [CF3SO3]- Aqueous Solutions from Refraction Index Data Madrid Úsuga, D; Urango Baquero, M. P; Portacio Lamadrid, A
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