| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.10 no.1 Tunja Jan./June 2019 Articles | | | | · Incidence of immunodeficiency and leukemia viruses in Felis catus in the Veterinary Clinic Gattos Tunja-Boyacá Massey Malagón, Delia Yuliana; Cuervo Saavedra, Sandra Rocío; Lagos López, Mayer Isnardo
| | | | · NaCl-salinity effect of on the growth and development of Chenopodium quinoa Willd plants García-Parra, Miguel Ángel; García-Molano, José Francisco; Quito Martínez, Cristian Alfonso
| | | | · Study of the Coherence Functions of Light in a Jaynes-Cummings non-linear System Ruiz, Yurimar; Gonzaléz, Julio; Villamil, Pablo
| | | | · Statistical model of the distribution of matter of protoplanetary disks Poveda Tejada, N.; Rodríguez Cuevas, L.M.; Vera Villamizar, N.
| | | | · Evolution of quantum correlations of two qubits in a cavity with biphotonic dissipation Molinares, H.; Villamil, P.; Eremeev, V.
| | | | · Bose Sonar sequence and some applications Granada Díaz, Héctor Andrés; Caicedo Bravo, Nidia Yadira
| | | | · Using the "Risk Combination" method to estimate the survival function in the presence of competing risks dependent: A simulation study Bru-Cordero, Osnamir E.; Jaramillo-Elorza, Mario C.
| | | | · Magnetic catalysts based on Iron Oxides: Synthesis, Properties and Applications Escobaro, Angélica M.; Pizzioa, Luis R.; Romanelli, Gustavo P.
| | | | · Liquid-vapor equilibrium for the Water-Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol quaternary system at Low Pressures Cubillos Lobo, Jairo Antonio; Moreno Cascante, Jorge Arturo
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