| Table of contents Ciencia en Desarrollo vol.11 no.2 Tunja July/Dec. 2020 Articles | | | | · Pioneer Species, persistents and germination tests in montane forests of Central Ridge, Colombia Sierra-Escobar, Jorge A.; Abril, Mario Alberto Quijano; Marín-Henao, Daniela; Suaza, Daniela Salazar; Garcés, Mabel Vanessa García
| | | | · Cellular and genetic damage as determinants of pesticide toxicity Valbuena, Duvan Sebastián; Meléndez-Flórez, María Paula; Villegas, Victoria Eugenia; Sánchez, Magda Carolina; Rondón-Lagos, Milena
| | | | · Contribution to lichen microbiota of the colombian tropical dry forest (Montes de María, Sucre) García-Martínez, Steven; Mercado-Gómez, Jorge D.
| | | | · Effective pollination of ornitophylous flowers in a cloud forest of Colombia Martinez-Meneses, Angie Lisseth; Torres-González, Alba Marina
| | | | · Tota Lake Pollution and Biological Models for Genotoxicity Studies Jaramillo-García, Diego F.; Rodríguez-Sosa, Natalia; Salazar-Salazar, Marleny; Hurtado-Montaño, Carlos A.; Rondón-Lagos, Milena
| | | | · Patterns of use of medicinal plants in Chocó and Cauca (Colombia) Valoyes Milán, Diana Carolina; Palacios, Leider Palacios
| | | | · Analysis of Innovative Development for the Use of (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) in the Substitution of Illicit Crops Edith, Céspedes-Prieto Nubia; Juan, Carda-Castello; Carlos, Cervantes-Estrada Luis; Manuel, Gil-Noreña Jonnathan
| | | | · Solar thermal and electricity. A state of the art Hidalgo, Debrayan Bravo; Hernández, Alexander Báez
| | | | · Total rings of fractions and Hermite rings Granados Pinzón, C.; Olaya León, W.
| | | | · Core/shell fibers of Carboxymethylcellulose/ Poly(lactic acid) loaded with Curcumin León-Pérez, Jadileyg Gabriela; Estrada-Villegas, Gethzemani Mayeli; Morales-Corona, Juan; Olayo, Roberto; Olayo-Valles, Roberto
| | | | · Optimization of the Transesterification Process of Palm Oil using Ultrasound-based Technique Ramírez-Sanabria, Alfonso Enrique; López, Lizbeth Lorena; Orozco, Mara Isabel
| | | | · Synthesis of zβ from fly ashes, used in controlled release of nitrates Barrero, Jenny Andrea García; Zarama, Mery Carolina Pazos; Chaparro-Barajas, Javier Ramiro; Martínez, Deisy Alejandra Fonseca; González, Esperanza Pavón; Carranza, María Dolores Alba
| | | | · Spectrophotometric determination profile of bisphenol a in the photodegradation process with singlet molecular oxygen Doria-Herrera, Gloria Maria; Peñuela-Meza, Gustavo; Valencia, Gloria Cristina; Gómez-Miranda, Ingrid Natalia; Soltan, Jafar
| | | | · Performance of packed - bed corncob (Zea mays) in the removal of iron contained in acid mine drainage Hernández-Botia, Angie Lorena; Vásquez-Ochoa, Olga Yaneth; Roldan-García, Fabio Augusto; Cubillos-Lobo, Jairo Antonio; Caicedo-Pineda, Gerardo Andrés
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