Editorial |
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| · Editorial Lulle, Thierry
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Sección temática |
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| · ¿And What About the Environment? Local Social Representations and Practices in Informal Settlements Framed in the Court Case for the Sanitation of the Matanza Riachuelo Basin in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires Fainstein, Carla
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| · Spatial Clipping Configurating East Antioquia: from Regional to Overlapping of Territorialities Pineda Gómez, Hernán Darío; Pimienta Betancur, Alejandro
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| · Implications of Metropolization in the Cota-Chía-Cajicá Axis. Challenges Facing the Conformation of the Bogotá-Cundinamarca Metropolitan Region Osorio Ardila, Giselle Andrea; Rincón, Luz Marina; Muñoz Reyes, Javier
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| · An Urban Heritage Assessment with Panoramio, a Big-Data source. A Study of Downtown Bogotá González, Amparo De Urbina
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| · Historical and Heritage Valuation of Embryonic Cities: The Case of Mexicali, Mexico Olvera-García, Daniel; Vizcarra, Berenice
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| · Urban Policy and Social Movements in Medellín (Colombia): Processes of Territory Construction and Defense Quinchía Roldán, Suly María
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| · The "Agua Fría" Massacre. Indigenous Terrotorial Disputes and their Media Agenda Representation Díaz Delgado, Abraham Zaíd
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| · Modeling Household Cohabitation in Urban Informality García García, Diva Marcela; Módenes, Juan Antonio
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| · Methodological Proposal to Analyze Socioeconomic Residential Segregation Through a Synthetic Indicator (SSSI) and its Application in Bogotá Durán, Adriana Parias; Acuña, David Villanueva
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| · Agrarian Total Income in the Neoliberal City. Recovery of Railway Infrastructures, Plundering of Public Properties and Urbanization in the Argentina of the Soybean Saus, María Alejandra
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Sección general |
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| · Disputes over Development and Territory: The Case of Yasuní-ITT during Ecuador's Citizen Revolution. Stoessel, Soledad; Scarpacci, Martín
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| · Territory, Violence and Disasters in Colombia: An Approach to the Historical Environmental Memory Bohórquez, Javier Enrique Thomas
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| · Between the City and the Countryside. Amenity Migration in Buenos Aires' Periphery Funes, María Eugenia
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Sección jóvenes investigadores |
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| · Challenges in Land Use Planning for Water Supply of the Urban Agglomeration Manizales-Villamaría Alarcón García, Sharon Johana
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