Editorial |
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| · Nuestra relación con el agua: entre el disfrute y el temor Rincón-Avellaneda, María Patricia
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Articles |
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| · Edification in Region Metropolitana de Santiago (1990-2014). The material strategies Vergara-Vidal, Jorge E.
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| · Green construction and urban planning in Colombia. A regard at the policy framework Rodríguez-Potes, Lizeth; Villadiego-Bernal, Kattia; Padilla-Llano, Samuel Esteban; Osorio-Chávez, Humberto
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| · Cities: analysis of inter-and intra-urban inequalities. The case of Oaxaca, Mexico (2000-2015) López-Villanueva, Marcelo Andrés; Miguel-Velasco, Andrés Enrique; Martínez-García, Karina Aidee
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| · Informal Settlements and habitability. Reading from space justice Rincón-Castellanos, Milena
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| · A wall with posters Echeverry-Rengifo, Diego
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| · Territory, social production of space and cultural practices. A case study analysis Urtubey, Federico Eduardo
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Central dossier |
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| · The landscapes of the fluvial system of the Salí River. Characterization in the metropolitan territory of Tucumán Llomparte-Frenzel, María Paula
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| · Waterfronts in Spanish cities: new urban spaces Martí-Ciriquián, Pablo; García-Mayor, Clara
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| · Landscape units in degraded metropolitan basins. Del Gato stream, Argentina Rotger, Daniela V.
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| · Conflicts around the appraisal of urban wetlands. The Matanza-Riachuelo basin, Argentina Schmidt, Mariana Andrea
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| · The hydric footprint in the urban structure. Bogotá’s traditional center Talavera -Dávila, Henry Valdemar
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| · The watershed of the creek San Cristobal. A socio-ecological system in crisis Osorno-Acosta, Viviana; Corrales-Roa, Elcy
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| · Urban effluents in the water of the Marau River (Brazil). Water quality on the river Fornari, Mayara Regina; Camotti-Bastos, Marilia
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| · Urban metabolism in the city of Baeza, Ecuador. Analysis of your water flows Parrado-Rodríguez, Cristhian; Cevallos-Aráuz, Andrea; Arias-Álvarez, Leonardo
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| · Critical methodologies and militant research with Afro-descendant communities Vélez-Galeano, Hildebrando
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| · Water, soil and sociometabolic fracture of agribusiness. Fruit activity in Petorca, Chile Panez-Pinto, Alexander; Mansilla-Quiñones, Pablo; Moreira-Muñoz, Andrés
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| · The perception of water in the in the land use planning. Small cattle producers of Mendoza-Argentina Sales, Romina G.
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| · Traditional territories and economic uses in Urabá, Colombia. Productive arrangements in wetland ecosystems Aramburo-Siegert, Clara Inés; Montoya-Arango, Vladimir; Tobón-Giraldo, Diana María; Portela-García, Juan Camilo
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From the graduate |
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| · Rural territoriality and the agroindustry in the Cimitarra river Alarcón, Sharon; Marcucci, Daniela; Quiroga, Maicol
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