Editorial |
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| · Journals in techno-human times Arroyo, Julio
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Culture and urban space |
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| · Walkability index for the city of Bogotá Gutiérrez-López, Julián Alberto; Caballero-Pérez, Yolanda Beatriz; Escamilla-Triana, Rubén Alejandro
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| · Principles, criteria and purposes of sustainable development for re-densification in unplanned urban contexts Castiblanco-Prieto, Juan José; Aguilera-Martínez, Fabián Adolfo; Sarmiento-Valdés, Fabián Alonso
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Architectural and urban project |
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| · Complexity and constructivism in the new tradition of post-war architecture Fuentes-Farias, Francisco Javier
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| · Conservation of contemporary art. The case of the stained glass windows of Mathias Goeritz in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City Cedeño-Valdiviezo, Alberto; Torres-Lima, Pablo
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| · Operating based on form: A procedure for the valuation of collective housing Valderrama-Vidal, Julián Camilo
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Technology, environment and sustainability |
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| · Availability of timber housing construction techniques in Brazil Araújo, Victor A. De; Gutiérrez-Aguilar, Carlos M.; Cortez-Barbosa, Juliana; Gava, Maristela; Garcia, José N.
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| · Design and construction of a folding umbrella for architectural spaces Morales-Guzmán, Carlos César
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From the Faculty |
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| · Efficient building envelopes: Relationship between environmental conditions, comfortable spaces, and digital simulations Medina-Patrón, Natalia; Escobar-Saiz, Jonathan
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Texts |
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| · (Re)thinking the technological approach: The case of the Experimental Center for Economic Housing (CEVE) in Argentina Pelegrin, Gustavo; Fleker, Laila; Ferrero, Aurelio
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